Det har tisslats och tasslats om att nästa Halo – förslagsvis Halo 6 – kommer att ha lootlådor. Trots Battlefront II-debaclet ska Microsoft och 343 Industries ändå försöka hitta sätt att nyttja den ökända modellen. Tack vare Battlefront II ska man dock ha omvärderat lootlådorna.

Det korta svaret från 343i? "Nonsens". Frank O’Connor, franschise developent director för Halo-spelen skriver på Resetera-forumet ett långt inlägg. Det hela hittar du undertill. Ett uttdrag:

Det här är nonsens. Vi omvärderar ingenting (viktigt) och Microsoft designar inte något i vårt nästa spel – utan det gör 343. Vi följde EA:s Battlefront-grej med den nyfikenhet ni kan vänta er, men vårt nuvarande REQ-system är spelarfokuserat, mycket omtyckt och så lite påträngande som sådant här kan vara.

Det senaste vi hörde 343i säga om Halo var att vi kan vänta oss nya äventyr under 2018, men "inte de äventyren". Det återstår att se om ännu ett E3 kommer och går utan Halo 6-flärd.

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This is bunk. We’re not reevaluating anything (significant) and “Microsoft” isn’t designing anything for the next game – 343 is. We watched the EA battlefront thing with the curiosity you’d expect – but our current req system is player focused and well liked and unintrusive as far as these things go.

We have made zero announcements about our next projects and continue to work on our next game and technology with player’s needs and interests in mind.

However the story as loosely presented as it is – has no bearing on or relation to any current efforts.

I suppose you could say “company x is evaluating feature you” and always have some grain of truth, but we are neither aping nor adapting an unrelated system from another game.

This follows an equally vague rumor about an issue with our engine, which in fact is counter to significant ongoing improvements and evolution of our tech.

If there were some nugget of truth to both, I’d just ignore it. Development is rife with normal examples of both of these “stories” but in this case there aren’t even notable small examples that this could have been based on.

Certainly in the future we’ll be evolving our systems and tech and maybe these general and vague statements will have brief applicability. But right now? Nah.