En andra uppdatering till det brett hyllade rollspelet #The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion har släppts under fredagskvällen. Patchen finns tillgänglig både till pc- och Xbox 360-versionen, den förstnämnda kan du ladda hem direkt från filarkivet medan den andra fås via Xbox Live.

Förutom att ett antal buggar har städats bort kan konsolspelare glädjas åt att tio nya "Achievements" har lagts till för expansionen Shivering Isles.


Update 1.2 Notes

New Features

10 new Xbox 360 Achievements for Shivering Isles

Bug Fixes

Improved LOD visual quality for landscape.

Optimizations to file loading system.

Taking items from dead owned creatures is no longer a crime.

Fixed issue where lock/unlocked states on doors would occasionally be stored incorrectly in a save game.

NPCs no longer pop into view after player cancels out from the Wait menu.

Fixed memory leak with sitting in a chair multiple times.

The reflection from the environment map in windows now displays properly.

Fixed an issue where player is still in combat even though the creature is no longer present.

Player can no longer fast travel when paralyzed.

Fixed infinite dialogue loop when arrested by guards who have high disposition to you.

Fixed issue where guards would not properly report crime if they were pickpocketed.

Summoned creatures properly fade away when they are created from a leveled list.

Fixed issue where stolen items would lose their stolen status if the player character was female.

Fixed crash that would occur with NPCs loading in with arrows.

Pickup sound effects no longer play during the loading screen.

If you attack a creature owned by you, crime is no longer reported.

Fixed issue with LOD not loading in properly when entering/exiting worldspaces.

Fixed infinite soul gems exploit by dropping and picking up stacked soul gems.

Fixed a crash with summoning a creature and immediately exiting the cell.

Fixed a crash with stealing an object, exiting and immediately

re-entering an interior.

Fixed issue where an NPC would occasionally not perform the proper idle animation.

Fixed an occasional crash when a creature loses detection on the player.

Fixed an occasional crash with NPCs who were not loaded going into combat.

Quest Fixes

In Light the Dragonfires, fixed issue where improper journal would appear if you closed an Oblivion gate.

In Till Death do They Part, fixed an issue where Melisande would not properly give you Cure Vampirism potion.