Fortsättningen på [[Gordon Freeman]]s strapatser i och kring stad nummer 17 är fortfande en bra bit ifrån butikshyllorna - #Valve försöker att lätta på trycket genom en strid ström av nya artiklar och dagens skörd räknas till tre. Eurogamer återberättar sina intryck från expansionen i form av en förhandstitt och en intervju med ett par av utvecklarna, avslutningsvis bjuder de på en pratstund med Gabe Newell.

Eurogamer: Apart from the ability to launch content at shorter intervals, why was it important for you to have these three episodes of Half-Life stand apart from one another?

Gabe Newell: I think we were trying to be responsive to the feedback we were getting from customers, in the same way that Half-Life 2 tried to respond to what we were hearing from people after we released Half-Life 1, and Half-Life 1 was our own response to what we saw as being the positives and negatives in the genre at the time we did it. So, we wanted to move the story forward faster, we wanted to be able to adapt to hardware changes faster, we wanted to try to manage risk on the project rather than making them five years long which really limits you in your ability to try out various things. Those were some of the main reasons.