Efter en lång lång väntan har äntligen en betaversion av #Half-Life-modden Sven Co-op 4.0 släppts. Det rör sig om en massiv mängd ändringar; bland annat nya vapen, banor, monster och funktioner. Den inkluderar även en co-op-version av första They Hunger-episoden. Några noteringar saxade från hemsidan:

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* As mentioned, it is a beta and there are some bugs/unfinished features. Report any you find on the Bug Reports forum, which will be reopened shortly (if it's not already). Check the list of known bugs in there, first, though.
* The installer is designed to be able to update SC3.0, but if you have problems, maybe try a clean install.
* Unfortunately there's no way to filter SC4.0B servers from SC3.0 servers in Steam's server browser at the moment. Please put "SC4" at the start of your server name so people know it's running 4.0!
* Edit: The version of ripent.exe used to update maps like HLSP seems to require a .net framework dll. Most people have it already, but if you get any dll errors on install, try extracting this file to your Windows\System32\ folder (or install Microsoft's .NET framework).
