I april släpptes indieliret #Fez via Xbox Live Arcade, efter många om och men. Vår recensent diggade spelet skarpt, men dessvärre fann hängivna fans en hel del trassel. Detta rättades ganska snart till med en uppdatering, men uppdateringen togs ner när det framkom rapporter om att några spelare fick korrupta sparfiler efter installationen. Nu är uppdateringen uppe igen, med motiveringen att #Polytron anser att det är orimligt att de ska betala tiotusentals dollar för att uppdatera sin uppdatering och få spelet återcertifierat.

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We’re bringing the first FEZ patch online.

It’s the same patch.

We’re not going to patch the patch.

Why not? Because microsoft would charge us tens of thousands of dollars to re-certify the game.
And because as it turns out, the save file delete bug only happens to less than a percent of players. It’s a shitty numbers game to be playing for sure, but as a small independent, paying so much money for patches makes NO SENSE AT ALL. especially when you consider the alternative. Had FEZ been released on steam instead of XBLA, the game would have been fixed two weeks after release, at no cost to us. And if there was an issue with that patch, we could have fixed that right away too!

We believe the save file corruption issue mostly happened to players who had completed, or almost completed the game. If you hadn’t already seen most of what FEZ had to offer, your save file is probably safe. It doesn’t happen if you start a new game.

We believe the current patch is safe for an overwhelming majority of players.

The patch fixes almost everything that’s been wrong with the game since launch. The framerate issues, the loading, the skips, the death loops, everything! All that stuff is fixed! And right now, nobody can get to it since the patch was pulled. For 99% of people, it makes FEZ a better game.

To the less-than-1% who are getting screwed, we sincerely apologize. We know this hurts you the most, because you’re the ones who put the most times into the game. And this breaks our hearts. We hope you dont think back on your time spent in FEZ as a total waste.

Microsoft gave us a choice: either pay a ton of money to re-certify the game and issue a new patch (which for all we know could introduce new issues, for which we’d need yet another costly patch), or simply put the patch back online. They looked into it, and the issue happens so rarely that they still consider the patch to be “good enough”.

It wasn’t an easy decision, but in the end, paying such a large sum of money to jump through so many hoops just doesn’t make any sense. We already owe microsoft a LOT of money for the privilege of being on their platform. People often mistakenly believe that we got paid by Microsoft for being exclusive to their platform. Nothing could be further from the truth. WE pay THEM.

So we’re going to go ahead and put Title Update back online, and for a vast majority of people it’s going to make FEZ a better game.

Thank you for your understanding and continuing support.

The Polytron Team

Det är alltså enligt utvecklarna en liten minoritet som har problemen, och denna lilla minoritet är fylld med dem som klarat av eller är i slutet av spelet. Som du kan utläsa i ett av de senare styckena påpekar de att folk tror att Microsoft betalar dem för plattformsexklusivitet, men de kontrar med att det är de som betalar Microsoft.

Uppdateringen uppges göra spelet bättre för nästan alla, och det går att utläsa att de i nuläget smått ångrar att de valde XBLA-formatet över Steam, där de enkelt kunnat uppdatera spelet, putsa till uppdateringen och uppdatera den tillputsade uppdateringen utan att behöva dränka plattformsinnehavaren i dollartecken.

Det är värt att tänka ifrågasättande åt alla hållen här. Varför väljer små utvecklare att få ut sina alster på Xbox Live Arcade, eller binda det till en plattform om det uppges inte gynna dem ekonomiskt? Kan det kanske vara så att det gynnar dem så länge det inte behövs uppdateras?