#CD Projekt-chefen Adam Badowski har kommenterat den uppmärksammade intervjun med The Witcher-författaren Andrzej Sapkowski, som publicerades av Eurogamer under gårdagen.

Vissa FZ-läsare upplevde att författaren bakom böckerna hade en nedvärderande ton gentemot de hyllade rollspelsäventyr som den polska spelstudion baserat på hans böcker.

Adam Badowski på CD Projekt kommenterar uttalandena så här: "Vårt samarbete har en strikt och definierad riktning. Jag kan inte tänka mig att Andrzej Sapkowski skulle spela ett spel som research för nya romaner".

Nedan läser du hela CD Projekts meddelande.

It's true that the game was based on the popularity of the Witcher novels, so there's no sense in wondering what came first, the chicken or the egg. In this case, the books and the author are both of those things.
Our cooperation has a strict and defined direction. I can't imagine Andrzej Sapkowski playing a game to do research for the new novels. This is unlikely and would look like writing a book for a game or movie release, which ends badly in most cases; the novel winds up in a collector's edition and then covers with dust somewhere on the gamer's shelf.
We want to develop The Witcher's universe in other media, not only video games. We have Mr. Sapkowsk's blessing and what we create is in line with his vision of the world, no matter how the saga will evolve.
We want The Witcher's universe to be a part of pop-culture like Star Wars or The Lord of the Rings, and for our fanbase to expand rapidly. We just have to carefully and diligently do our thing.