Efter en knapp veckas försening är nu #Star Citizens dogfight-modul släppt. Alla som betalat för ett rymdskepp och lite annat kan därmed plocka fram sina farkoster ur hangaren, ge sig ut i rymden och testa sina flyg- och fighting-skills.

Den här versionen av Star Citizen (0.8) innehåller multiplayer, och ett litet antal spelare får möjlighet att testa spelformerna spelformerna Battle Royale och Team Mode. De blir tillgängliga för fler och fler spelare framöver, i takt med att buggar och andra bekymmer städas bort.

Närmast på tur i kodarnas todo-lista är dessa saker:

Klicka för mer information

[li]Improved client and multiplayer server stability[/li]

[li]General performance optimizations and fixes for hardware specific issues discovered during community testing[/li]

[li]Audio improvements with additional SFX, music, mix, and improvements to the dynamic music system[/li]

[li]Improvements to the HUD to better differentiate the manufacturers, improve ITTS, and add mouse control functionality[/li]

[li]Additional character animations to add immersion to the cockpit and resolve outstanding animation issues[/li]

[li]Further flight model upgrades to better handle unique thruster power combinations and refine the control of each ship[/li]

[li]Additional ship, weapon, item, and thruster tuning to improve the balance of Arena Commander based on community testing[/li]

[li]New multiplayer game mode for public testing along with AI improvements and updates to Vanduul Swarm.[/li]

[li]Hangar bug fixing along with enhanced visuals and animations.[/li]

[li]Cockpit polish with improved damage effects and more dynamic lighting that responds to gameplay events and ship status.[/li]

[li]Some additional weapons and items for use with Arena Commander.[/li]

[li]Update player breathing sound effects and responses to incoming impulses and g-forces
