Det har varit en del frustration, till och med raseri, över det tröga uppdateringstempot för #Dragon Age: Inquisition och #Biowares tystnad om hur patcharbetet fortskrider. Kanske lugnas de upprörda av en färsk lista över vad nästa patch innehåller.

Patch nummer tre handlar i huvudsak om att fixa buggar, skriver #Bioware, och menar särskilt sådana som låser möjligheten att ta sig framåt i spelet eller som sabbar upplevelsen. Man har justerat hur ofta dina companions skämtar, detta för att slippa långa perioder av tystnad. Vidare justeras multiplayer, pc-spelare kan binda tangenter till att gå och det blir en push-to-talk-funktion i slutet av mp-matcher.

Hela listan har du nedan. Men du får klara dig utan ett releasedatum - ett sånt har vi ännu inte fått.

Innehållet i Dragon Age: Inquistion 1.03:


  • Added key binding that allows players to walk.

  • Added mouse cursor scaling.

  • Fixed issue that could result in the mouse getting stuck in mouse-look mode when players alt-tabbed out of the game in full-screen mode.

  • Fixed display bars to correctly reflect items that alter maximum health.


  • Changed party banter system to be less random to prevent extra-long periods where no conversations would occur.

  • Fixed issue that could result in one of Dorian’s conversations not being available for some players.

  • Fixed issue that could result in a cutscene not firing for Dorian’s plot when players enter the Gull and Lantern.

  • Fixed issue that could result in Sera’s Verchiel plot being broken.

  • Fixed issue with the demon that could spawn during Solas’s personal quest.

  • Changed Tactical Camera so that it no longer re-centers when the player changes party members.

  • Fixed exploit that allowed for infinite influence.

  • Fixed issue that allowed players to exploit their gold value in single-player mode.

  • Fixed allied mage AI so they did not dispel targets that the player had frozen.

  • Fixed issue that caused the bar displaying armor rating to not update correctly for crafted gear.

  • Fixed issue that caused extra potions granted by items to be lost when players return to Skyhold.

  • Fixed issue that caused Mind Blast’s upgrade, Fortifying Blast, to not provide additional barrier.

  • Fixed issue that could result in the opt-in conversation UI continuing to be displayed if players opted out very quickly as the UI was starting to be displayed.

  • Fixed issue that could result in the world map being permanently displayed in the Storm Coast.

  • Fixed issue that could result in being unable to switch party members after looting.

  • Fixed issue that could result in party members not following orders to revive a party member in Tactical Camera mode.

  • Fixed issue that could result in people being unable to discover all the regions in the Exalted Plains.

  • Fixed issue that could cause dragons to become unresponsive.

  • Fixed issue that would cause dragons to freeze during their roar.

  • Fixed issue that could cause some conversations to be “hitchy.”

  • Fixed issue that could cause Varric’s legs to do odd things in some opt-in conversations.

  • Fixed Masterwork Prowler Armor so it no longer distorts on certain characters.

  • Fixed issue that could cause Harmon to disappear in certain circumstances.

  • Fixed a few non-herb crafting materials that were showing up in the Herbs section of the inventory. They are now correctly in the Other section.


  • Enabled push-to-talk functionality in the multiplayer end of match screen.

  • Enabled push-to-talk in the multiplayer armor upgrade menu.

  • Fixed issue where changing multiplayer match settings would take effect without confirming changes.

  • Fixed issue that could result in players entering multiplayer matches without any mapped abilities in certain circumstances.

  • Fixed case that could cause keys to not drop in multiplayer mode.

  • Fixed issue that would cause the potion mapped to the first slot to also be used when pushing the 9 key in multiplayer mode.

  • Fixed issue that would cause the camera to spin at the end of a multiplayer match and not display the end of match screen.

  • Fixed issue in multiplayer mode that would result in the healing portion of Rampage to stop working in certain circumstances.

  • Tuned Strength of Spirits to be more useful in multiplayer mode.

  • Tweaked the balance of the Demon Commander in multiplayer mode.

  • Fixed issue that could result in items not displaying their cards when chests are opened in multiplayer mode.

  • Fixed issue that could cause pots to respawn in certain circumstances in multiplayer mode.[/info]