The Fool is looking for co-authors/bloggers

The Fool is looking for co-authors/bloggers

Let´s make it official: The Fool is searching for co-bloggers/authors!!

I feel that this blog need something new. Someone to bring more posts and above anything else a new face to The Fool. I´m not going to quit but it would be nice with more people. So I´ll write about what I want at this point and let´s see if someone/people want to help me out.

Reasons for this

The biggest reason for why I want more people blogging here is that I want this site to grow. I started this blog as a personal one but I don´t see why I can´t let it evolve into a multi-user one and back maybe. I want more diversity here instead of just talking about RPGs and fighting games a long with the very very rare anime post. If I could it would be better if there was more people writting here so that we geta wider spectrum of posts and areas.

And while I do love the concept of writing everything I want I still think I need to focus a bit more and thus let´s try and make a blog about video games and anime. This will not mean I´ll start posting pure news items as that is not the type of blog I want to have or run. I have this great idea on talking about Metafalica from Ar Tonelico 2 and how it envelops everything Cloche stood for and why she was so intent on reaching Metafalica.

But now you know why, let´s check up on what I want.
What I want

Someone who can do episodic reviews of anime. Doesn´t have to be much or long texts, just some thoughts on the whole episode. About one post per week if it works that way. Otherwise free amount of posts.

If you want to make a rant about how you hate a certain genre or anything, drop me a note and we can try and make a post about it together. Or if you want to rant about something it´s ok. But mainly about episodes and what you think of them. Preferbly with one image that can be used for the thumbnail and then you use either free services or make the images as low in size as you can since I got a maximum storage space.

As people would know I play a lot of games. What I do want is someone who has knowledge of playing Visual Novels so we can spread the word. As most English titles are only about the f-word and no story I don´t really like them. There has been improvements done and we are looking at a bright future here.

But otherwise I´d like to have more Visual Novels reviewed as I can´t review the ones I want to because of lack of understanding of Japanese.

Other games like FPS and so on are also a welcome addition as I mainly play only RPGs and fighting games. Adds more to the mix.

Plattform is not an issue. Just choose a platform you´re content with and write about the games to that console.
General Knowledge

This also requires to be able to upload images using wordpress, adding a custom field and value and resizing the image. Max-width of any image should be 560px as that is how wide the content area is.

Good English is also a kinda good idea. I know my own English is not top tier but at least around my own level would be nice.

I do not know about how hard Google searches this site for hardcore porn and such, but when choosing images please keep the nude to a minimum, some slight nice nude nipples should be ok I think, but no full frontal nudity in your posts please.

If you are accepted I´d love to have a MSN adress or such so that we can talk about drafts and such things as well as trying to get a somewhat nice posting schedule up as I don´t want to ruin anything for the others that are posting by getting their post be put down because I wrote a post myself.

For the featured/headline section this is also something we can discuss or if you want me to choose what posts from you are worthy to be in the headline/featured section.
What I can give

Not much. I can´t give any money or anything like that in return as the ads so far have not even given enough for this years hosting. What I can give is people reading what you´re writing, not many people, but I do get visitors and they do read the posts.

If you don´t have a blog of your own and would like to try it out then I can give you that starting experience.

In the future this might change. I do not know at this point but it might change for the better. Otherwise it isn´t much that I can give.

If you are interested in any of this, please leave a comment here in this post or contact me with a bit of info about yourself, what you would like to write about and a small example of what you have writen for me to examine.

At this moment(August 14 2009) I´m free almost all day long unless I sleep in so I can hopefully give some nice and fast answers to anyone who wants to join here. If you have a own suggestion about what you want to write about then please tell me and let´s see if we can work it out.

I hope to have some responses from interested people. Let the new age of The Fool begin.

edit ? At this point I do not know for how many co-bloggers I want. So drop a note and we´ll see how it goes. If something happends I´ll update here.

edit 2 - Atrer has joined and will write about games as said here:

But I am still searching for people. So if you are interested, give me a comment or send me a mail.

För att kommentera eller gå till kontaktsidan besöker ni:

Jo, jag horar ut mig litet gran.


signatur - english is fun - Den enda webtidningen om anime, manga, tv-spel och visual novels på svenska

The Fool is looking for co-authors/bloggers

Bloggkollektiv är fasen vägen att gå. Gratulerar till tillskottet!

tackar tackar.

signatur - english is fun - Den enda webtidningen om anime, manga, tv-spel och visual novels på svenska


Jag skulle kunna tänka mig att skriva någonting någon gång. Har inget bättre för mig, liksom. Har fått MVG i allt jag företagit mig vad gäller engelska (inte för att det säger något) och kan väl skicka in en text på något som du tycker är lämpligt för dig att bedömma.

Följ anvisningarna

Det jag vill veta är vad du kan tänka dig att skriva om och så. Bra att du skrev här, kan jag lägga till det i orginalinlägget också om vilken dag du vill publicera/lämna in inläggen på.

signatur - english is fun - Den enda webtidningen om anime, manga, tv-spel och visual novels på svenska


Till att börja med måste jag isåfall kika lite mer på wordpress och se hurpass avancerat det är, är noobig på sådant.

Annars kan jag skriva något inlägg ibland om anime och spel. Är väl istortsett allätare. Spelar itne sportspel och ytterst sällan J-RPGs, i animeväg ser jag väl det mesta utom alltför långa serier.

Försök att fokusera på anime i sådana fall i dagsläget.

Annars blir det två som skriver om spel och det är inte riktigt tanken.

Försök att hitta någon/några genrer som du kan tänkas skriva om så får vi se om Gravework är intresserad också. Får vi se om det kan bli så att ni förhoppningsvis skriver om olika genrer.

wordpress är underbart Du kan göra nästan vad du vill med det. är sidan du ska besöka för info och liknande.

signatur - english is fun - Den enda webtidningen om anime, manga, tv-spel och visual novels på svenska


Genrer... Gillar allt som är lite mysko, typ FLCL och dylikt. Får gärna leka lite med huvudet på den som tittar också. Diggar även grejer i stil med Bartender och Eden of the East.

har du MSN kan du ju lägga till mig. Min MSN adress hittar du på min informationssida här.

signatur - english is fun - Den enda webtidningen om anime, manga, tv-spel och visual novels på svenska


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