Earth And Beyond Live Online


ny info om hur man kommer igång och spelar i 4 enkla steg den här gången

se första inlägget för instruktioner8)


Robert Bond
gratis spel från 3drealms:


Lite Beta Testbilder 8)


Robert Bond
gratis spel från 3drealms:


Stress test 3 är igång

joina nu

info i första posten


Robert Bond
gratis spel från 3drealms:


uppdatera länkarna!


länkarna är uppdaterade


Robert Bond
gratis spel från 3drealms:


någon mer som spelar?


Robert Bond
gratis spel från 3drealms:


Jag försökte få igång det för nåt år sen när tråden skapades (shit det är ju 2 år sen nu) men det var ett sånt jäkla meck så jag la ner det. Är det enklare nu?


ja det är bara att följa dessa 4a steg

Installation Guide / FAQ

STEP 1: Download and install the client to the default location.

STEP 2: Download and install the latest patch update.

It can be found at the following link.

STEP 3 Download net 7 startup client

STEP 4 skapa account


Robert Bond
gratis spel från 3drealms:


Jag spelar under namnet Amidwarf.

Och nu har dom släppt funktionen för guilds i spelet med.

Dags att väcka den gamla guilden från pegasus servern Knights of Mjolnir som en var medlem i.


Ok grymt. Ska väl ta och testa nån dag. Nollställer dom allt ofta? Med tanke på att det är beta och stresstest och allt vad det nu kan tänkas vara.


de har nollställt 1 gång sen jag börjasde spela på stress test 3


Robert Bond
gratis spel från 3drealms:


stresstest 4 är nu igång sen någon vecka bara att joina


eller läs i första inlägget för instruktioner


Robert Bond
gratis spel från 3drealms:


Hur är det med att prospecta i ST4? Min stora passion var att göra det i live. Skulle gärna köra nån utav dom om det funkar OK nu.
I ST3 lirade jag progen privateer och warrior fram till wipen.

Nåt snack om när nästa wipe är? Har ingen lust att starta nu och sen höra att det är wipe på g.


Spelar mest: State of Decay 2


tror det mesta börjar funka som det ska i senaste uppdateringen av spelet

har dock inte hört något om en ny wipe

här är de senaste uppdateringarna för i år

January Content Update by Tienbau @ February 12, 2011, 1:18 am

Content Updates
Moved decorative asteroid out of Swooping Eagle warp path.
Increased Dahin level 3 field size/density.
Fixed most debris filled asteroids. Please report remaining on forums.
Added diridium crystal field to Mars Beta to follow Diridium Detours mission.
Added crystal field to IO for Developing Mivrei Drones.
Turned off all xmas missions.
Removed all xmas NPCs.
Developed Sha'ha'dem Training starting talk tree.
Added short no reward mission to give Shin-Tzu Li your Aspirant's Insignia after JE training.
Added more asteroid decorations to Ganymede asteroid belt nav.
Rearranged wreckage of ganymede highport stuff.
Completed HU 100-135 Token missions for all Progen classes.
Fishbowl raid no longer started by killing a mob.
Added Red Dragons to Inverness.
Centuriata Nota, Collegia Nota and Sabine Nota in the lounge of Arx Magister have fuller descriptions and more information as to how to do these Token Missions. All races can read this information, but only the specified class can do the mission(s) as designated by their Progen Class faction.
Token Missions can only be obtained between hull levels 50 and the final hull upgrade.
Each Token mission will eventually unlock restricted higher level content, if a Progen has not done a particular Token mission they will be excluded from this higher level content. This provides variety.
Token Missions with only 2 stages are skeleton missions with full reward as if it was a full 7 stage mission. These missions will be fleshed out in future, but if a Progen selects them now they will still unlock the future restricted content dependent on these missions. Typically, these skeleton Token missions are at the Hull Upgrade 75 level.
Token Missions are not required to be done for any Hull Upgrade. All Progen Hull upgrades are independant to token missions, tokens are simply obtained when some hull levels are obtained.
There are 14 Token Missions per Progen Class but each class will only receive 6 Tokens from the hull upgrades when the Token Missions can be done. For further information please talk to the NPC in the Lounge of Arx Magister.
All Token missions reward from the same reward scheme whether they be level 50 or 100. Each will give 2 rewards from the following selection: 20K Combat Experience, 20K Explore Experience, 20K Trade Experience, 15K credits, 250 Faction { not Jenquai or Terran }, Blueprint x1, or Item x1 (non-manufacturable).
Master Promotion Mission renamed to "A Guide to... (promotion mission)". If not acquired when leaving Progen starting station, re-target the station.
Increased available harvestables in Zweihander space.
Increased spawns of Belter Laborer in Margesi for Terran Scout Hacking mission.
ECS Dauntless: Added Panic Impact & Plasma ammo.
Added level 105 jobs to Earth Station.
Added level 50 jobs to Inverness Down
Increased ore availability somewhat in Equatorial Earth.
Santa has forwarded all the scout's christmas presents to Administrator Luzzini owing to needing to see to things at the North Pole. He'll see you next year if you're good!
Asteroid Belt Alpha has had its ore adjusted sector wide.
Now on live database.
Change password function.
Item database now reads new loot tables.
All new downloads section on portal.
New signature generation method.
Query optimizations to speed database up.
Server Updates
give cloaked players a chance to loot cloaked.
update for Net7Proxy to confirm sector port is in range.
fix for bad port comms.
add port confirmation system.
Added jobs tab and functionality to Station Tools.
fix powerdown not cycling correctly.
fix for looting while cloaked.
remove race condition from comms system.
each sector now uses the appropriate connection/port to send UDP to player.
move most of login to sector thread - keep player data loads in the login thread.
Added "/away" command (synonym: "/afk") to flag player as away and return customizable away message to /tells.
Small crashfix from dev server .
display exact job XP at the terminals.
server crashfix.
fix for trade missions + mission status update.
update for summon MOB
fix for summon.
add queue warnings when buffers are mismatched.
ensure message queue reads are using same queue as writes.
fix for incorrect effect time write.
fix for missions needing cargo space to advance.
crashfix for cloak.
increase login timeouts.
autocorrect message queue warning.
fix for group warp CTD.
further loot fixes.
fix for cloak chargeup.
fixes for buffer system.
add dump for damage stats on husks.
fix for group warp dropout.
Queue fixes.
fix for warp effects.
another update to try to fix the warp drop.
fixes for player /stats.
fixes for warp cutout.
expand login buffer a bit.
added /stats for players to dump player information.
expand login buffer system - may have become overstretched.
Change respawns to be between +/- 50%
Changed Re spawn timer to be random +/- 25% of respawn timer
Changed drop % to be between 75% and 125%
allow mission stages to blend into each other if required.
fixes for Biorepression and Hacking.
fix for mission debriefs not working correctly.
Add new mission completion nodes: USE_SKILL_ON_PLAYER_CLICK and USE_SKILL_ON_PLAYER_TOTAL.
checkin dev server fix.
handle sector_objects_npc table.
add charge and cooldown times for befriend.
implement MOB patches for befriend.
fix for Summon enemy group.
fix for level 1 cloak timing.
move station check thread into main loop, so we only have 1 thread for all station updates.
fix for V'rix jobs appearing.
use same UDP buffer for all stations.
add buffer max loading dump.
overhaul player buffer system, use common sector buffers, and have a large login buffer.
remove caps on shield leech and sap pending change to drain limitations on mobs.
fix for Net7Proxy late packet send.
fix for trade stack transfer bug.
attempt to auto-fix stuck warp situations.
fix for turrets not attacking mobs.
added brief visibility for players with /who
fixed broadcast & local chat for hijacks.
bump Net7Proxy to v1.99
fix for message queue corruption.
fix for warp effects sticking.
fix for faction award for jobs.
fix for join formation & WarpDrive.
overhaul effects handling in Skills.
change @class to show class name.
Net7Proxy upgrade from raid testing.
stop husks from evaporating if a player has it targetted.
crashfix for group buffs.
Added new beta and beta_plus command
Update to allow GM's to see online players.
don't start adding group buffs until player has joined.
might help if I connect up the new group buff code.
fix for Group buff transfer.
Added Advocate Status
add ability to restart sector comms.
fix for devserver crash where //rsectors is used in sector with renderloop (ie Cooper).
Small crash fixes from the player server.
fix build warning.
mod to multi-shot effect system: prevent effect overload.
added multiple shot effects for guns with multiple effects.
better put the try/catch back in for the mob skill crashes.
fix for MOB skill usage crash.
cloak not interrupted if shields are up.
reduce damage for MOB missiles if MOB is not facing target.
enable mutex for player receive queue, since it may be being written to during message reading.
Add Mission start chat bubbles for navs.
Add inactive-at-startup object handling.
various fixes from live server.
further fix for mob overhaul.
mob class safety fix.
further mob optimisation.
protection fixes for mob handling.
further simplification and optimisation of MOB handling.
part 1 of further lag reduction mods.
half damage if cloaked.
fix for shield sap being overpowered.
fix for raid spawn message.
fix for various MOB aggro problems.
add Spawn_delayed reward node.
Fixed annoying mixup between "disabled" (unactivated) and "banned" accounts.
further fix for MOB damage.
fix for mobs getting caught in 'spin loops'.
fix for multi-spawn missions not triggering.
Updated to now use Static Classes.cs to fix issues with using other tools along side of this tool
Added new tags: Use_Skill_on_Mob_Click (29), Use_Skill_on_Player_Click (30), and Use_Skill_on_Player_Total (31).
Tag 29 tracks number of times skill has been used on a mob target (any combination of mobs). Error if value is <1 or >10
Tag 30 tracks number of times skill has been used on a player target (any combination of players) Error if value is <1 or > 10
Tag 31 tracks total points of mitigation/healing given by use of skills: Hull Patch, Psi Shield, Energy Leech, Shield Sap, and Shield Leech. It will throw an error/block if they try to use any other skill.
Bugfix - Mission Editor, erroneous set would cause hang ups because the guiAmountTxt wasn't being set but was being saved, conflicting with validation on certain Mission Rewards including Combat/Explore/Trade XP & Credits.
HOTFIX: Added search ability for new Trigger_delayed_spawn reward type.
Fix for description text to show on loading from XML & writing to in the value area of the Reward box for the Trigger_Delayed_Spawn Reward Type. Will wait for any other changes I need to do before pushing this one.


Net7Proxy v1.99 by Tienbau @ January 6, 2011, 12:25 am

Upgraded 'Prototype Reorder' system.

New build of Net7Proxy which has the experimental packet reordering system completely overhauled based on several raids with multiple groups. This build is an attempt to address the problems that were seen during raids (eg pauses lasting up to 10 seconds due to re-requested packets etc). I have been testing the new system for several days now, and it does seem to give a better experience in high-stress situations with lots of players and MOBs flying around.


Robert Bond
gratis spel från 3drealms:


EnB har jag riktigt trevliga minnen ifrån. Det första MMORPG som jag spelade och kommmer ihåg hur förbannad man blev på EA när de stängde ner. Har fortfarande kvar org. kartongen.


nu har de gått från stresstest & alpha till beta versionen

läs senaste nytt på

Beta Announcement
by Kenu on 01/07/2012 18:16

Hi everyone,

It is with great excitement that we the Board and the Development team write today.

We are transitioning to Beta Testing.

So there you have it, it’s that time. The weekend of July 23rd, we will be making the transition of Earth & Beyond Emulator to its Beta stage.

“Waitaminute, what happened to Alpha?!” you say, yes, right... Well see, we reached that roughly September of last year. We just didn't publicly say anything. Typically Alpha stage is "feature completion" or shortly thereafter within the industry, and well we're there in terms of the systems all being implemented at least in a skeletal form. Feature completion is when all the games major systems function, they may not yet function accurately, but they function.

So Beta stage is where we really begin engaging you guys to tell us what's good and bad, and of course this will cause balance changes. Some of which I'm sure you'll like, others you might just not like so much, but if you'll hang with us it should be a lot of fun. It also means more rigorous bug fixing as well as heavy releases of content and missions providing available manpower to complete it all. This means we may have more regular updates than we have been for a while, hopefully this will encourage you to keep playing.

There is no wipe of player avatar data being considered for the moment. But we will be needing to do focus testing on specific systems such as guilds, and may have to perform at the very least temporary wipes of this information and ask you all to recreate guilds, for example, so we can ensure certain systems work as expected but will announce our focus testing with at least a 24 hour warning if possible. For now though, there is sort of a QA hump we need to sort out. For the present future you will keep everything you've already obtained, I will not rule out any sort of wipe if Tienbau tells me we need to do it, or a good case is made from development but at this time you can breathe easy.

I hope you all stay engaged and enjoy the next several months. They will be a lot of fun; oh and by the way this is why you haven’t seen an update in a couple of months. We’re planning to try to push a lot of good stuff out to you by this time if at all possible.

Stay tuned for the future of Earth & Beyond!

Thank you,

Your Earth & Beyond Emulator Dev Team

Net-7 Entertainment, Inc.


Robert Bond
gratis spel från 3drealms:


Mumma mumma!

Nu blev jag sugen att börja igen.


Spelar mest: State of Decay 2


Nu har statusen på earth and beyond gått till LIVE som på den gamla goda tiden inga mer whipes av stats/karaktären

surfa in på och börja spela nu.


Robert Bond
gratis spel från 3drealms:

Skrivet av bondmaster:

Nu har statusen på earth and beyond gått till LIVE som på den gamla goda tiden inga mer whipes av stats/karaktären

surfa in på och börja spela nu.

Installerade det på nya datorn, men det krashar hela tiden vid loadingscreen efter man valt gubbe. Avinstallerade det, men ska prova sen igen.


Spelar mest: State of Decay 2


1 installera Earth & Beyond Client

2 installera EnB Client Patch

3 installera Net-7 Unified Installer

4 extra Character & Starship Creator med tillägget "-noclassrestrictions"
till genvägen för användning av alla extra karaktärer

Skrivet av Zebulone:
Skrivet av bondmaster:

Nu har statusen på earth and beyond gått till LIVE som på den gamla goda tiden inga mer whipes av stats/karaktären

surfa in på och börja spela nu.

Installerade det på nya datorn, men det krashar hela tiden vid loadingscreen efter man valt gubbe. Avinstallerade det, men ska prova sen igen.


Robert Bond
gratis spel från 3drealms:


Glöm ej att det skla köras som administratör när du startar spelet för minimera ev problem


Robert Bond
gratis spel från 3drealms:

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