Den ryska utgivaren #Buka Entertainment har idag tillkännagivit ett nytt actionäventyr i tredjeperson som heter #The Swarm. Det utvecklas av #Targem Games och utspelar sig i ett Moskva som ödelagts av ett kärnvapenkrig som startade då rymdvarleser invarderade jorden. Nu tvingas de kvarvarande människorna att kämpa för sin överlevnad i tunnelbanor, kloaker och katakomber och du är en av dessa.


What we saw in the movies finally happened. Science-fiction became reality and everybody could see how huge spaceships landed over the main capitals of the world. Aliens attacked at once, killing millions of humans in mere seconds. The governments of the Earth answered to the attack with nuclear weaponry, in a desperate movement for destroying the aliens, at the cost of the planet itself.

The aliens survived, the Earth became a wasteland, and the sewers, the subway and the basements became the only havens for the remains of humans, which gathered into small groups and gangs in order to survive.

The Swarm is a 3D adventure game, full of action on 3rd view where the player will face the challenge of surviving in a wasted Moscow that shows the scars of the alien attack, defending himself from the attacks of other humans looking for a piece of food, and from the dangerous aliens.