Soldatsimulatorn #Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 kommer inom kort förses med Steams achievements. Det berättar utvecklarna #Tripwire Interactive samtidigt som de går igenom prestationerna i detalj. De berättar också att den patch som prestationerna levereras med också kommer innehålla en ny bana som ger ett smakprov på hårda strider i Stalingrad.

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Tripwire Interactive is pleased to announce that we will be adding Steam Achievements into Red Orchestra, making use of another of Steam's great features, next week. The initial list of Achievements includes:

  • Knight's Cross: Win a match on every Official map as a German.

  • Hero of the Soviet Union: Win a match on every Official map as a Russian

  • Whack-a-Mole: for killing tank commanders with his head out of the turret hatch.

  • Excellent Marksman: for long-range kills with a bolt-action rifle.

  • Excellent Tank Gunner: for long-range tank kills with your tank's main gun

  • Off the Tracks: Knock out the tracks on enemy tanks.

  • Achtung Faust: Destroy 3 enemy tanks as a German Pak-Soldat with panzerfausts, without dying.

  • Tankista: Destroy 3 enemy tanks as a Russian PT-Soldat with the PTRD, without dying.

  • Buzz-saw: for kills with the light machine-gun.

  • Tiger Tamer: Kill a German Tiger tank from a T-34 76.

  • Turkey Shoot: Rack up 25 enemy tank kills from your own tank in a single match.

  • Up Close and Personal: for melee combat kills

  • It's Raining Men: Obliterate 10 enemy infantry using only tank shells, without dying

  • Johnny on the Spot: for resupplying machine-gunners.

  • Tiger: for multiple enemy vehicle kills in one life from the German Tiger tank.

  • Excellent Sniper: for sniper kills.

  • Countersniper: While playing as a sniper, kill an enemy sniper

  • Blood Rage: Kill 10 enemies as an assault class, without dying

  • Divine Wrath: Kill 10 enemy players in one Artillery barrage

  • The Ultimate Hero: Survive a whole round, without dying even once, while capping all the objectives!

  • Glorious Leader: As Soviet Squad Leader, win the map, ensuring that you are in every objective capped.

  • Vasily Lives: As a normal soldier, pick up an ENEMY sniper rifle and get 10 kills before dying.

  • Toaster: Destroy an enemy Universal Carrier or halftrack with a full load of passengers.

The new map "Fallen Heroes" is a brutal combined arms battle set on the iconic "Red Square" in downtown Stalingrad. Developed by Tripwire for the initial release as the set piece Russian counterpart for the popular Konigsplatz map, the map didn't make the cut and was shelved for the past three years. Some months ago the map was passed off to award winning community mapper Kevin "Dr. Guppy" Butt to complete. Resurrected by a fan, for the fans, this excellent addition to the RO map line up is being released for free with this update for anyone with RO:Ostfront.