I skrivande stund släpps en rykande färsk patch till #Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II lös via officiella hemsidan. Bland nyheterna märks bland annat nya kartor, flertalet stabiliserings-fixar samt avlivandet av mängder av buggar.

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Patch 1.3.1

New Content
? Two on Two game mode is now available for ranked play.
? Two new four-player maps have been added to the game: (4p) Medean Cliff Mines and (4p) Ruins of Argus. These are available for ranked and custom games.
? We have added a benchmarking performance test; you can find it in the Graphics options tab.
? There are eight new sync kill animations in the game. Keep your eyes open for some new carnage!

New Options:
? We have added a ?Push to Talk? option for in-game voice chat. When enabled in the Game Options screen, tilde (~) will control chat.
? We have also added a ?Advanced Sub-selection? game option. When enabled sub-selection behavior will be the same as Company of Heroes, where a sub-selected squad will be the only one to receive orders.

? Fixed several crashes where invalid data was being written to logs.
? Fixed a common multithreading crash.
? Fixed some out-of-memory crashes on Vista 32.
? Fixed a crash that could occur if Avitus was reinforcing when a game ended.

UI Change
? The previous PvP squad decorators have been replaced with decorators based on the squad role. The new decorators identify units in a way that is consistent across races. A new loading screen tip has been added to explain the new images.

Replay Improvements
? Added a 4x speed.
? Capture progress bars are now visible.
? Commander wargear and squad upgrades are now visible on unit selection panel.
? Build queues are now displayed.
? Replay control buttons now have audio.
? Decorators now show up in replays.

Army Painter
? Chapter name character limit is now increased to 32.
? Maximum number of custom chapters is now 350.

Gameplay Bug Fixes
? Fixed a bug where a unit with an energy shield could become unkillable if they also had very low health.
? Fixed a bug where the Carnifex would stop meleeing units after killing a hero in melee.
? Tankbusta targeting priorities have been improved, now prefer to target vehicles.
? Fixed a bug where demolition charges could pass through terrain and not detonate.
? Fixed a bug where the Techmarine could continue to repair after being knocked down.
? Squads now unload from a vehicle when it is destroyed.
? Full resource refunds are now granted when a building that hasn?t started construction is cancelled.
? Adjusted refund costs on the Webway gate.
? Adjusted refund costs on the Techmarine?s Space Marine Heavy Bolter turret.
? Fixed a bug where a melee leaping unit would follow a teleporting or jumping unit a long distance.
? Fixed Warp Spider Exarch Enhanced Warp Generator and Improved War Generator.
? Adjusted Scything Talon knockback and suppression.
? Fixed a pathing problem on (6p) Typhon Arena.
? Put a build time on Ravener Tunnels. Tunnels are also vulnerable during construction.

Text Bugs
? Fixed tooltip on Lictor Hero?s Adrenal Gland wargear.
? Fixed tooltip on Catalyst ability.
? Fixed tooltip on Warlock Champion?s robe.
? Fixed an incorrect tooltip on the ?Luv da Dakka? ability.

Custom Games
? Players are no longer prompted to dispute a match when a player is kicked from a non-ranked game.
? Players can now select chapter colors for AI players.

? Removed the ?Submit Player Review? prompt that would appear if a player left the countdown before a match started.
? Fixed a situation where a party could get broken up when host migration occurred.

Post-game stats
? We now show a ?Player has left? message for all players when you quit out to the post game screen.

? Fixed a bug with the Sweeping Advance achievement. Previously it wouldn?t be awarded if the retreating unit was the last entity in the squad.

Audio Improvements
? Speech events now fade out if a higher priority event triggers.
? Medium sound quality preset now chooses 44100Hz instead of 22050Hz.

In-Game HUD and UI
? There are now two map ping buttons, Attack and Defend. (Hotkeys are F8 and F9 respectively.)
? Added a Retreat All hotkey. (ALT-X)
? Added a Retreat Hero hotkey. (SHIFT-X)
? Fixed an issue where the camera would get locked to a position if you band-box selected and landed on a button, then pressed it without moving the mouse.
? The camera no longer strafes when starting a move facing or band-box selection.
? Squads that have sergeants now display the count correctly on the reinforcement UI.
? Unconscious heroes no longer get selected when bandbox selecting multiple units.
? Targeted abilities are now usable on multi-select portraits and on squad tabs.
? Implemented a fix for starting squads not receiving hotkeys when another player loaded slowly.
? Player list bars no longer fade in and out while using voice chat.
? Fixed an issue where ?Rear Armor Hit? kickers were triggering multiple times.
? Selection circles no longer disappear on a selected unit that is performing a sync kill.
? Fixed a bug where greyed-out unavailable abilities would show up when a squad was retreating.
? Fixed an issue where the portrait health of a unit could display zero when the unit was still alive.
? Clicking a squad tab on a unit in a Webway gate or Ravener tunnel will now correctly select that squad.
? Fixed a bug where squads with a sergeant would sometimes get two decorators when exiting a webway gate.
? Reinforcement UI no longer displays when a hero is selected.
? Fixed an issue where a blank square would appear when a squad was reinforcing.
? Opposing players no longer see random players? race selection in the Player List panel.
? Fixed a bug where helptext on purchased hero accessory wargear wasn?t visible.
? Fixed an issue where a black border would sometimes appear on a garrisonable building.
? Pressing space bar in a chat no longer results in two spaces entered.

Game Options
? Fixed a bug where sound for buttons in the Game Options screen would disappear after adjusting brightness.

AI Player improvements
? Expert and Hard players now provide higher early game pressure through a variety of tier one units.
? AI players now purchase a variety of wargear for their hero, and take better care not to hurt their economy.
? AI players now purchase an appropriate amount of generators.
? AI players will engage the enemy and attack more aggressively than before.
? AI players are stronger at preserving units, and retreat at appropriate times both in melee and ranged combat.
? AI players are now much better at using unit abilities.
? AI players will upgrade existing units with a variety of upgrades more intelligently.
? AI players prioritize capture points in a more intelligent fashion.
? AI players tech to tier 2 in an appropriate timeframe and purchase later game units based on combat needs.
? AI players tech to tier 3 and purchases late game units including Carnifexs, predator tanks, fire prisms, etc, based on combat needs.
? AI players now can flank suppression weapons out of combat.
? AI players now purchase dead heroes at more appropriate costs.
? AI players no longer buy and cancel generators when enemies are around.

? Mission briefing speech now only plays the first time a mission is opened.
? Fixed an issue where the starmap button didn?t highlight the first time a player had to travel between planets.
? The character level up screen now accounts for rewards granted by the mission.
? Fixed a fatal SCAR error on Angel Gate.
? Fixed a fatal SCAR error on the first Lictor encounter.

? Added a countdown timer to campaign mission start.
? Fixed an issue where the other player in a coop games hotkeys were always set to 5.

? Added support for Hungarian language.