Ett av de mer intressanta realtidsstrategispelen till pc som visas upp under Gamescom heter #Naval War: Arctic Circle. Här du får strida strategiskt om världsherraväldet över havet både ovanför och under havsytan.

Du kan strida som antingen Nato, nordiska alliansen (go! go!), Ryssland eller USA. Titeln utspelar sig från den norska och brittiska kusten via Island och Grönland ända bort till de nordamerikanska områdena.

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Two campaign modes, telling a narrative from Russian and NATO sides
On-line play through LAN as well as over the Internet
Enormous area of game play space, with over 35 million square km of open sea and coast line
Extreme long range guided and self-guided weaponry; if you can detect the enemy, it will be possible to strike
Vertical game play, from orbit aerial units to the bottom of the ocean floor through a seamless zoomable map of the entire North Atlantic Ocean
Detection and evasion focus with realistic sensory measures and countermeasures yielding a strategic game experience based on stealth rater than head on tactical battle
Great detail in unit management with fewer but more powerful units making selection and management more distinguishable and less cluttered with an unparalelled level of individual detail
Realistic weather model, with real world implications for tactical and strategical deployment of resources at hand
Real world units, with all major powers. Both contemporary and experimental surface, subsurface and aerial units