Medan vi väntar på ett skarpt releasedatum för #Enemy Territory: Quake Wars får vi nöja oss med andras intryck, det senaste signerat 1Up. I likhet med tidigare förhandstittar är det en spefifik bana som texten kretsar kring, denna döpt till Canyon.

As multiplayer maps go, Canyon gets the "tada!" unveiling. Postcard-pretty, its river carves a channel through steep-sided sandstone and sedimentary rock, big mesas and red-streaked buttes. Power lines and a paved road trace their course across a landscape that seemingly stretches miles and miles...without trickery. Even on a flythrough, it's evident that ETQW isn't tiling textures or placing a pattern over multiple surfaces in order to save memory. I wondered about that. Will id's "megatexture" tech, which removes resource restrictions, make a discernible difference--especially when you have no idea what's under the hood? I think so. (For what it's worth, Wedgwood never mentions it as he hopscotches me across his map's objectives--meaning he's not nudging the observation.)