Sonys #Studio Liverpool jobbar hårt med att färdigställa #Formula One Championship Edition i tid till den europeiska lanseringen av Playstation 3. Trots detta fick Newsweeks speljournalist N'Gai Croal en pratstund med Graeme Ankers som bland annat svarade på frågor om hur de utnyttjar maskinens SPUs:

We don't really use the concept of reserving certain SPUs for specific tasks. Instead we employ the concept of prioritized job lists that are executed by the SPUs whenever one is available. We use the SPUs for the following jobs: audio effects, particle system, physics (landscape collision, narrow phase and collision resolution), rain effects (rain droplets and rain splashes) and various render side jobs. The game logic is driven largely by the PPU. We use the SPUs together to collaborate on working through each frame that's displayed by the game. The SPUs are extremely versatile so they can be used to accelerate any in-game system.