Som ett sidospår till [[Gordon Freemans]] brottningsmatch med intergalaktiska typer ska #Portal få oss att använda de små grå innanför pannbenet. En av programmerarna, Jeep Barnett, förklarar för IGN att det kommer att finnas en koppling till portalpickan i den ordinarie storyn men det är oklart om Freeman byter ut kofoten mot den.

Istället är det en kvinna som vaknar upp i Aperture Science Research Center och måste klura ut hur hon tar sig igenom varje utmaning, som totalt ska vara 24 stycken.

More investigative gamers can uncover the history of the Portal program by keeping a keen eye on the environment. In later stages of the 24-mission single-player game, you come across areas where the paneling has been removed. The exposed areas lead you behind the test chamber, where you'll find scribblings on the wall offering more back story. "There's sort of a resistance to this test that's going on and that maybe there have been people who've been hiding behind the scenes of the test chamber," Barnett told IGN. "It explains the story of what [Portal] is... [and will help you to] understand what's going on behind the scenes of the test and what your purpose is within it."