#Oculus Rift har placerat 90-talshypen i strålkastarljuset igen, och vid sidan av den nu #Facebook-ägda, Kickstarter-finansierade lösningen jobbar också #Sony och #Valve på egna VR-lösningar. Valve visade sitt projekt i Boston i helgen, och en av de som fick testa redogör på Reddit för en imponerande upplevelse och ett intressant utseende på VR-hjälmen.

Användare Jonomf går ut hårt:

I participated in the Boston VR jam this past weekend, had an awesome time making some new VR stuff, and had my mind completely melted by the Valve hardware and demos.

Sen följer en hyfsat genomgång av upplevelsen, där tre spelbara #Portal 2-karaktärer stack ut. Tekniken får ett fint omdöme, liksom upplevelsen i stort:

Needless to say, the experience in the HMD is amazing: low persistence, perfect tracking (within the camera of course), very high frame rate. I don't get sim sickness with the DK1 as it is, but nonetheless felt much more comfortable in the Valve units. However, I did consistently have major disorientation after leaving the HMD: I felt a little fuzzy and distant, and once felt like I was going to fall over. I felt something similar the very first time I came out of the DK1, never since, but every time after leaving the Valve units (4 or 5 times).

Valves VR-hjälm har två skärmar med en sammanlagd upplösning på 2160x1280 pixlar, vilket alltså ska ge en behaglig upplevelse.

Valve-medarbetarna berättade för den gode Jonomf att man har en #Dota 2-demo som inte visades. Den beskrivs så här:

Talking with the Valve guys about that Portal office experience, they mentioned offhandedly that they have a Dota 2 VR experience where you see the entire game arena sitting on a table in front of you and can bend down to inspect any piece of the action. I really, really want to see that. They also mentioned a life-size Dota 2 VR experience where you're hanging out in a lane watching the heroes fight; they said it was very scary.