Valve har byggt upp en hel skuggekonomi kring knivarna i #Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, de riktigt sällsynta varianterna kan kosta tusenlappar i riktiga pengar.

I dagens uppdatering introduceras dock en ny valuta som vi gissar kommer bli minst lika populär att handla med - handskar! Dessa kommer såklart i en rad olika färger och former, förpackade i särskilda glove cases som kräver sina egna nycklar. Som du såklart måste betala pengar för. Eller byta dig till för andra högt värderade föremål.

Handskarna är uppdelade i sex olika serier (Moto, Wraps, Driver, Bloodound, Sport och Specialist) med fyra olika varianter av varje än så länge. Se bilder på varje handske i galleriet nedan.

Den andra stora nyheten i dagens patch är ett nytt lobbysystem. Det är olika rum skapade av medlemmar av de Steam-grupper du är med i. Du kan också skapa egna grupper och bjuda in dina vänner.

Valve förklarar systemet närmare i en FAQ

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Steam Group Lobby FAQ

What is a Steam Group Lobby?

A Steam Group Lobby is a ‘Play With Friends’ lobby that can be joined by any member of a selected Steam Group. The Steam Group is specified by the lobby leader.

To join a Steam Group Lobby, select the Steam Groups tab in the Main Menu and join any of the lobbies that are listed by clicking the ‘+’ icon. You can always invite your Steam friends to join your lobby, even if they are not members of the Steam Group.

How do I create a Steam Group Lobby?

Users who have set a Steam Group Clan Tag will have their lobbies listed by default for the Group they’ve selected. If you haven’t set a Clan Tag, click ‘Play’ and select ‘Play With Friends’. From there, click on ‘Change Permissions’ and select ‘Public Steam Group Lobby…’ where you can choose the Steam Group you’d like to play with.

To change the Steam Group your lobby is listed for, click ‘Change Permissions’ and select a different Steam Group. Members of the newly selected group will now see your lobby listed at the main menu.

Are Steam Group Lobbies limited to a particular game setting?

No. The lobby leader can set the Steam Group Lobby to the game mode and map group of their choice.

Can I remove a member of a Steam Group from my lobby?

Yes. You can kick a player from your lobby by clicking their avatar and selecting ‘Kick Player’.

Can I prevent members of a Steam Group from joining my lobby?

Yes. To prevent members of a Steam Group from joining your lobby, click ‘Change Permissions’ and select either ‘Public Lobby’ or ‘Private Lobby.’ You can set these to be your default lobby settings in the Game Settings menu. Alternatively, you can select ‘No Team Tag’ in the Steam Group Tag settings.

Why don’t I see Steam Group Lobbies for all of the groups I’ve joined?

If members of certain Steam Groups have not created a group lobby there may not be any lobbies available to join. You can try again later, or create a lobby for other group members to join.

Where can I find some groups to join?

You can find Steam Groups to join through both the Steam client and a web browser.

While logged in, click on your persona (next to ‘COMMUNITY’) and select ‘GROUPS’. From here you can browse existing Steam Groups, create a new group, and change your primary group. There are thousands of Steam Groups representing a wide variety of communities, countries, languages, and common interests.