Steam-succén Conan Exiles befinner sig i early access, och de norska kodarna Funcom är måna om att hålla spelet fritt från grövre buggar. För att hitta större exploits uppmanar man spelarna att delta i jakten på problem, och som tack för hjälpen kommer man betala upp till 500 dollar till de som hittar riktigt grova buggar.

Det man betalar för är problem som kan ge spelare stora fördelar i multiplayer. För att utbetalning ska ske krävs att Funcom inte redan känner till buggen, och det är förstås Funcom som avgör om ersättning ska utgå.

Buggar rapporteras via, och du behöver ange ditt Steam-namn och e-postadress till ditt Paypal-konto (där pengarna betalas ut). Om din buggrapport bedöms som tillräckligt viktig belönas du med mellan 100 och 500 dollar.

Det kanske också kan intressera att en ny patch är ute. Först en trailer, sen changeloggen nedan.

Klicka för mer information


TL;DR (Patch Highlights)
– (NEW CONTENT) The trebuchet siege engine has arrived and can help you tear down enemy walls and fortifications! Can be crafted at the carpenter bench
– (NEW CONTENT) Added two types of ammunition: Siege boulder and Demon-Fire barrage
– Added siege GUI for trebuchet where you can add counterweights to modify range and craft siege ammunition
– Gates can now be placed in gateways
– Fence foundations now snap correctly to sockets
– Changed the dodge mechanic to give more control such that you can no longer dodge while moving forward or partially forward.
– The Yellow Lotus Potion should now work as intended
– Certain religion and lore NPCs will now respawn correctly

General Bug Fixes and Improvements
– Some dye ingredients are now easier to reach and harvest
– The Yellow Lotus Potion now works as intended
– Gates can now be placed in gateways
– Fence foundations now snap correctly to sockets
– Fixed several dye resources not being dismantled when harvesting them
– Crystals in Imp-cave can now be picked up
– Bedrolls should now work properly as spawn points in small buildings with low ceilings
– Fixed a case of player camera getting broken if you removed the bracelet during the death wall cinematic
– The horn will now correctly play sounds when interacted with via Pop-up menu
– Fixed various cases where players could fall through or leave the map
– Certain religion and lore NPCs will now respawn correctly

Balance and Gameplay Fixes
– Tweaked the decay score of certain small placeables. Removed decay from certain placeables that don't claim land.
– Fixed a case where players could move after starting to summon an avatar
– Rocknose Kings now give the correct head type when harvested
– Changed the dodge mechanic to give more control such that you can no longer dodge while moving forward or partially forward.

Visual Improvements
– Various female hair fixes
– Visual polish on NPC dialogue window
– Visual polish on breath meter
– Players no longer see Crippling Poison counters when nearby Thralls get poisoned

Server Settings
– Added a server setting to modify the rate at which players gain corruption
– Added a server setting to modify the rate at which entertainers remove corruption
– You can no longer attempt to change Message of the Day (MOTD) unless you are admin
– ServerSetting "FriendlyFireDamageMultiplier" if enabled no longer prevents players from taking fall damage
– Setting MOTD through console now supports inclusion of URLs

Text and Localization
– Added text for all new weapons, dyes and the Dogs of the Desert armor set
– Added various translations for Brazilian Portuguese

Known issues
– If you have a Thrall in your inventory when trying to dye an item, your game client will crash. This will be fixed in the next patch

In this update we're also switching over the server settings on some of our PvP Blitz servers. Starting today we're disabling avatars on the following servers:
Official 167 - America - PvP Blitz
Official 168 - America - PvP Blitz
Official 169 - America - PvP Blitz
Official 115 - Europe - PvP Blitz
Official 116 - Europe - PvP Blitz
Official 117 - Europe - PvP Blitz
Official 273 - Asia - PvP Blitz