Allting blir roligare när du gör det med ett par vänner, till och med bruka jorden. Nu är Stardew Valley en succé redan i sitt soloknegarstadie men i början av nästa år kommer du att kunna bjuda in upp till tre kompisar som hjälpredor på din bondgård.

Förutom de mest avgörande besluten (såsom sömn och fest) kommer de att kunna göra det mesta på gården (och under den) .

Shortly after you begin the game, Robin will offer to build up to 3 cabins on your farm. Each cabin will house a farmhand, controlled by one of your friends.

Farmhands can do almost anything the main player can do. They can farm, mine, fight, fish, forage, marry NPCs and take part in festivals. Each player has their own inventory. When a farmhand is not connected, their inventory can be managed through a chest in their cabin.

Certain decisions can be made only by the main player: when to sleep, when to start and end festivals, and whether to side with Joja, for instance.

You won’t need to set up a server to run multiplayer. Friends can be invited onto the farm through Steam. The invite mechanism for non-Steam versions is TBD, but likely to be similar in most cases.

A lot of players have requested player-to-player marriage. It’s an idea we like a lot, and want to make available as a feature. Player-to-player marriage won’t use the mermaid pendant, but rather an alternative method that requires a similar amount of effort to wooing an NPC. We’re still working out what that will be.

Local multiplayer, split-screen and PVP are not planned at this point.

En betaversion ska lanseras på Steam i slutet av året då också moddare ska få chansen att uppdatera sina skapelser. Multiplayer ska också komma till den nyligen annonserade Switch-versionen.