Netflix har som bekant satsat rätt hårt på TV-serier baserade på populära spel. Vi har fått bland annat serier Castlevania och Witcher, även om det sistnämnda är en bokserie i grunden får vi väl ändå se den som spelrelaterat. Arcane som bygger på League of Legends är kanske den mindre populära serien mot de andra två, men den har fått väldigt bra kritik. Enligt EMEA WR esports manager Hans Christian Duerr ska TV-serien ha haft en effekt på spelets popularitet.

"Yeah, I think it definitely had a certain impact on more people who were not familiar with what League of Legends or League or Legends: Wild Rift was, to get a glimpse of the game and get to try the game. I don't have any specific data on this at this moment, but what I've noticed personally, and I think what we've also noticed when we looked at what champions have been used, when you look at how often Vi was played, or Caitlyn, or Jayce, or other protagonists that are in Arcane and are in League of Legends, I think we've seen quite some interest in that."

Har Arcane lockat dig att börja spela LoL?