#Sony har utannonserat att över två miljoner Playstation 3-konsoler sålts i Storbritannien sedan maskinen lanserades i området. Brittiska Gamesindustry intervjuade Sony-chefen Ray Maguire, som visade sig vara riktigt nöjd med siffrorna:

For any product to gain an installed base it needs two things - a great product, and a good price. We've clearly got the best product you can get, so there's a big tick in that box. The price - it's a premium product, so therefore it costs a premium price, and that does give us issues in terms of the expected sell-through that analysts and the media want.

Trots det höga priset menar Maguire att drygt en miljon enheter på ett år är riktigt bra för en konsol med Playstation 3:s prissättning:

When you look at it in isolation: close to a million units in a year which is really tough, at a premium price, actually shows that's a great number. If you look at the RRP (rekommenderade återförsäljarpriset) that we've had out there for 2 million units, and compare it to PlayStation One and PlayStation 2, it's amazing that we've got to this kind of level. Actually, I'm really pleased with that - it does show that the premium product was the right strategy to have.

Maguire säger också att tack vare Sonys prissättning samt alla dyra funktioner PS3 innehåller, så kommer maskinen också vara bättre rustad för framtiden och ha längre livslängd än de billigare konkurrenterna.

Really that's testament to the risk that was taken - do you have a fully-loaded feature-set, or do you just go for price? If you just go for price at the moment it must mean, by looking at the stats, that the cycle will be shorter for those which are not so forward-facing, compared to PlayStation 3, which has clearly got many years to run.

Mer om vad Maguire och Sony har att säga finns i fullängdsintervjun hos Gamesindustry.biz.