Nyhet: Nya imponerande bilder på Uncharted 2!

Nyhet: Nya imponerande bilder på Uncharted 2!

Lite ny info har kommit ut genom IGN:s senaste intervju med Nuaghty Dog. Även några nya bilder har dykt upp och de är minst sagt imponerande. Nedan följer ett citat från intervjun:


Richard Lemarchand: We're big believers that great animation grounds a character in the reality of a world better than almost anything else, and so we're paying lots of attention to giving Drake a very wide range of context-dependent animation that helps sell what's happening around him in the world.

One new animation feature for Uncharted 2 is that, if he hasn't been spotted by the enemies in an area that he enters, Drake will hunker down and look as if he's trying to keep a low profile as he walks along, in order to get the drop on his foes. Drake still stumbles over uneven terrain or if he only just makes a jump, and he will look stressed while he's in combat, as we layer additional animations into both his posture and his facial features.



- I mean gaming journalists look bad just writing about stuff, but when you put them in front of a camera...a whole new dimension of bad is created.

Nyhet: Nya imponerande bilder på Uncharted 2!

Nu har han en jacka men fortfarande ingen mössa.


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug Benny.

Skrivet av MacNille:

Nu har han en jacka men fortfarande ingen mössa.

haha, jag skulle nog vara mer orolig för alla kulor som flyger omkring än kylan


- I mean gaming journalists look bad just writing about stuff, but when you put them in front of a camera...a whole new dimension of bad is created.

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