APB - Reloaded Ny start i Q1 + FAQ.

APB - Reloaded Ny start i Q1 + FAQ.

What is the release time frame and will there be a Beta?

Release is currently targeted for the first half of 2011 with a Beta period being highly likely

If it's Free 2 play how will you stop hackers?

I don't understand what one has to do with the other. This is making the assumption that somehow P2P or B2P games don't have hackers or that somehow having a player buy a game stops them from hacking. The truth is, shoring up game code and having a multi-prong progressive approach to hacking stops hacking. That is what we are planning.

För fulla storyn kan ni surfa in på [http://www.deathwatchgaming.com]


From the moment we announced on Tuesday morning that we are taking over the IP for the game, and are planning to rebuild and relaunch it, until now (so just about four days) we have been crushed by email, interviews, suggestions and attention. Our leaders in PR (Rahul and Ronjini) have done a great job fending off the mad rush of items coming in through the chute. This is great, though in the short term has been a little hard to manage. We are excited too. Now we just need to focus on getting everything set up to put us firmly on the road to relaunch.

Update: Ny uppdatering idag.

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