The journey begins

The journey begins

Something terrible has happened and you wake up in a random location in a little town. You don´t know where you are and how you came to this place. In the same room that you wake up you find some other people that are equally confused about the situation. The first thing you realize is the fact that there is no electricity in the building. The spontaneous reaction is to look for some sort of light source like a flashlight. Luckily you and your new friends find a flashlight or maybe some other sort of lamp.
You look out through the window but you cant see any people on the street nor any lights in the houses on the other side of the street. A creepy feeling wakes inside of you and your new best friends. You decide to search the house for useful items that you could defend yourselves with. If you are lucky you will find a firearm or a melee weapon. There is a chance that you wont find any of these types of weapons and you´ll have to be satisfied with the tools and equipment you do find in the building.
When you have decided what the next logical step in your journey is, you will be forced to go outside...


The journey begins

Snygg header! Jag får lite Cube-känsla av den här idén.


Hmm intressant. Cube har en väldigt speciell atmosfär som är svår att uppnå. Jag tror att din känsla kommer att ändras efter nästa post när det blir lite mera tydligt vad det handlar om.

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