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Från deras FAQ:

"Q: Is this the Beta promised to buyers of Medal of Honor: Limited Edition?

A: No, this is an Alpha Trial, meaning this software is still not at the "Beta" development milestone. The Open Beta will start in September. The exact date for when Medal of Honor: Limited Edition players can join the Beta will be announced at a later date."


"No one will be left to prove that humans existed". - Dave Mustaine

Skrivet av WaltX:

Från deras FAQ:

"Q: Is this the Beta promised to buyers of Medal of Honor: Limited Edition?

A: No, this is an Alpha Trial, meaning this software is still not at the "Beta" development milestone. The Open Beta will start in September. The exact date for when Medal of Honor: Limited Edition players can join the Beta will be announced at a later date."

Jo läste det lite senare men ändå dålig stil gå ut med att om ni köper det hära får ni det hära FÖRST
men senare ta random guys innan det

Men ändå hoppas man får alphan också

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