Real Heroes: Daniel Parmenter

Real Heroes: Daniel Parmenter

Daniel Parmenter showed that love is stronger than the will to live in many cases. He proved that he could unselfishly care about someone else, and set an example by doing it.

On February 14, 2008 Steven Kazmierczak entered the Auditorium 101 in Cole Hall, Northern Illinoiss University where an Oceanography class was underway. He kicked the door open, walked onto the stage and opened fire into the crowd with a Remington Sportsman 48 12 gauge. After expending three rounds he calmly stopped to reload. Once he did this many students attempted to escape as they could see that he was reloading. A Sportsman 48 holds six shells, and his ruse worked. People came into the open, and he gunned down another eleven people. After expending all of his six shells, he started shooting at people who were hiding, seemingly at random.

Daniel Parmenter was not enrolled in the Oceanography class, but was simply visiting to be with his girlfriend Lauren Debrauwere. When he saw Parmenter raise his gun on her, he threw himself on top of her, covering her with his body. He was shot nine times, dying in the process. Lauren survived. She witnessed of feeling his body get pushed onto hers with each gunshot, and could feel his last breath when he died seconds after the last round was fired. He gave his life to save her, on Valentines day.

Steven Kazmierczak shot and killed himself before SWAT arrived, despite NIU being on scene merely 36 seconds after the first 911 call. After five minutes it was over, gunman dead and weapons secured. Five people were dead, one would die later in a hospital, and 21 wounded.



Motivator's Lifestyle. Athletic Martyr. Build your own foundation.

Real Heroes: Daniel Parmenter

Måste vara sjukt obehagligt för henne att ligga där medans henne kille skott för skott blir dödad. Skönt att hon överlevde även om jag inte ur ett feministiskt perspektiv kan tycka det är obehagligt att det alltid är männen som offrar sig för att rädda sina kvinnliga partners.

Sedan var det smart av gärningsmannen att fejka att han hade skjutit slut på sista patronen.


Hans agerande i skolan var mycket inövat. Det finns även det som tyder på att han varit där nattetid och övat. Riktigt vidrigt, som tur är var han inte bättre på att skjuta än han var..


Motivator's Lifestyle. Athletic Martyr. Build your own foundation.

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