Too Human sågas av kritiker

Too Human sågas av kritiker

Dennis Dyack skaparen bakom Too Human som tagit 10 år att utveckla kommer den 29:e Augusti släppa sin mastodont titel. Dock ser det ut som att dessa år har inneburit mer trubbel än glädje då samtliga av de stora spelsidorna sågat spelet längs fotknölarna. Nedan är betygen från spelsidorna och jag har lagt till två spel som har fått liknande betyg.

eurogamer - 50
edge - 60
gamespot - 5,0
g4 - 60
1up - 65 (C-)
egm - 68

Metacritic: 67 68

For Reference:

Metacritic: 55 56.8

Metacritic: 53 56.1

Regardless of what I think of Too Human as an action RPG*, there's no denying that it contains some of the most memorable writing in a computer game since Richter barged in on Dracula and was told something about a man being a miserable pile of secrets. Early on in Too Human, I was sent scrambling for a pencil because I couldn't quite believe what I'd heard. I made sure to keep it handy throughout.

After the jump are the top ten most unbelievable bits of dialogue from Too Human.

* Not much.

10) "What would monsters want with the Norn's datastacks?"
Just for the sheer 'huh?' of it, this is a great early welcome to the goofy world of Too Human. Does it help if I explain that Norn is supposed to be an acronym for "non-organic rational nano-systems"? I didn't just make that up. Honest. It's true. It's mentioned briefly from the main screen, but you probably wouldn't know that. Who loiters at the main screen besides people taking notes about bad dialogue?

9) "Make sure courage guides your sword hand, not your fear."
Why would courage guide your fear? That makes no sense.

8 ) "Make sure you die on your feet and not cowering behind some fetid corpse."
"Fetid" is one of those words that you probably shouldn't say out loud. There are few creatures in Too Human that have the word "fetid" in their names. That's okay. But saying "fetid" like it was a spoken word rarely works. Seriously. You try it. I challenge you to use "fetid" in a sentence today and not have everyone look at you as if you're some kind of freak. Let me know how that works for you.

7) "I aim to get out of here."
"Yeah, but will it be in a bag or on a pair of Valkyrie wings?"
"Damn comedians."
This exchange is memorable because no one has said anything that can even remotely be construed as funny. As near as I can tell, "damn comedians" is an utter non sequitur.

6) "Come on, boys, let's party."
Wait, did I really hear that? Did one of my followers just enjoin his cyber-Norse companions to "party"? What game is this again? And can I get David Cross in here for a reading of that line?

5) "We shall free the world from cold stagnation."
Stagnation doesn't strike me as the sort of thing from which you're "freed". Specifying the temperature of the stagnation doesn't help the liberation imagery. Damn comedians.

4) "Your fear soaks your armor. I can smell it."
Not many videogames feature characters who smell each other.

3) "There be monsters here."
I think this was an attempt at a "here there be dragons" construction, but it sounds instead like Ebonics. Damn comedians.

2) "As executor of the will of the Aesir, I will destroy you."
Then, as the keeper of the materiel manifest for the Aesir, I will either equip or sell the items that you drop.

I know you thought you were almost done, but I'm afraid there's a three-way tie for the single most unbelievable bit of dialogue from Too Human:

1) "Did you toast to me when I lay upon a marble slab in hell?"
This line is followed by an awkward silence. No joke. The character says it at a party and then everyone clams up and won't make eye contact with him. I'm not sure why, because I'd long since given up trying to make sense of what passes for a story in Too Human. But in my head, the awkward silence was from everyone wondering whether to correct his usage of "lay".

1) "Your agonized shrieks shall be your only monument."
That's some serious performance art stuff there. Set up some speakers, play the sounds of someone yelling his fool head off, and call it a monument. Can I get someone to write up an NEA grant proposal for me?

1) "If that's your best, bring on your worst."
Yeah, sure, it sounds snappy, but when you try to parse out what's actually being said, it makes zero sense. I nominate this line from Too Human as the Most Likely to Be Uttered By Steven "I'll take you to the bank...the blood bank" Seagal. Damn comedians.




- I mean gaming journalists look bad just writing about stuff, but when you put them in front of a camera...a whole new dimension of bad is created.

Too Human sågas av kritiker

Om jag ska vara ärlig så tyckte jag det aldrig såg så roligt ut... Glad att jag skippade det då.


ja samma här, jag blev inte så imponerad av demot men jag älskar hack n slash, synd men det finns massa annat att spela i höst


- I mean gaming journalists look bad just writing about stuff, but when you put them in front of a camera...a whole new dimension of bad is created.


Jag ville verkligen att det här skulle vara bra. Men kameran är hela tiden i vägen så att avståndsvapen är svåra att använda och skillträden var väldigt tråkiga (denna buff ger snabbare attacker, denna ger mer skada, denna gör att de flyger upp när du slår dom). Saknar variationen som finns i Diablo. Får väl lägga mina 600kr på något annat kommande spel, vilket det finns många av.

Förresten, 1UP gav det C- och inte C+.

Hehe, egentligen sågas inte spelet, 70% är egentligen bra eller väldigt bra enligt många skalor (vilket leder in på att betyg under 70% ses som ett misslyckande och hela problemet med betyg... men det tar jag inte nu).

Skrivet av Dvorak:

Jag ville verkligen att det här skulle vara bra. Men kameran är hela tiden i vägen så att avståndsvapen är svåra att använda och skillträden var väldigt tråkiga (denna buff ger snabbare attacker, denna ger mer skada, denna gör att de flyger upp när du slår dom). Saknar variationen som finns i Diablo. Får väl lägga mina 600kr på något annat kommande spel, vilket det finns många av.

Förresten, 1UP gav det C- och inte C+.

Hehe, egentligen sågas inte spelet, 70% är egentligen bra eller väldigt bra enligt många skalor (vilket leder in på att betyg under 70% ses som ett misslyckande och hela problemet med betyg... men det tar jag inte nu).

med tanke på att både Lair och Haze fick liknande betyg och mottogs som skitspel så borde det inte mottagandet vara annorlunda för Too Human?


- I mean gaming journalists look bad just writing about stuff, but when you put them in front of a camera...a whole new dimension of bad is created.


Knappast oväntat.

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