Att bygga historien för ...

Att bygga historien för ...

... Penalty of Heroes

Igår, i "scrum sprinten", skrev jag att narrativet hade som uppgift i veckan att skriva förklaring och bakgrunds fakta om alla personer och fiender i spelet. Så jag tänkte bjuda lite på hur det är här nedan:

-"The people/creatures living on the mountainside of Jedna were the aboriginals, who later became the founders and the citizens of Jedna. They have a xxx like appearance and have grown fur over centuries from experiencing rough weather and tough climates. Compared to the previous people/creatures of the xxxx and the xxxxx, the men in this mountain are fairly neutral and will not attack outsiders who enter their territory. However if someone would disturb their peace and threaten them, they will be attacked. The mountain men are collectors and are not afraid of the changes happening in xxxxx; such as the xxxxxx. They collect the spare parts thrown off Jedna, which they use to build huts and weapons."

* Det är våran narrativ kille, kristoffer, som skriver historien och vad som ska hända i spelet.


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