Skriv in era Project Reality Nick + server här + Historier från fälltet

Skriv in era Project Reality Nick + server här + Historier från fälltet

Nick: ZmokeR[Swe]

serv: UKReality Mod eller 10th airborne Division.

*ps* skriver på eng. Eftersom jag har lättare att stava på det viset


Tank Battle Bonanza!
Time: Yesterday at 21.00 - 23.00

Our Squad leaders had given us orders that we should take 5 tanks and group up in the west end of the main base.

Our mission was to make a push threw there frontlines and hold our position so our infantry can go true the gap with trucks and take out one of there first bases.

It was a hard job and some ppl in the squad was wondering if our squad leader was up to it, tho i knowed from before that our squad and the 10th infantry division was pretty tight together from the last battle so we could always count on them.

After the game started it didn't take long before we were rolling out in the heat of the dessert, 5 tanks in a road with probably 6-7 m between.
We stopped on a hill overlooking the desert infront of us and our Squad leader ordered a hell copter to do a fly by of the area, 5 min went by before we heard from the squad leader again that 4 tanks and 2 aa.s were moving up to the first base and our commander screamed IRENE! in the mic (he did that acutely haha) well that was our call sign 4 rolling out and we putt the pedal to the metal in our Abraham LIncon tanks.

I was a gunner in one of the tanks that was in the spear head so to say (middle) and it didn't take long before we saw black dots in the horizon, soon after we heard the first shotts hit the ground around us and we returned fire.

2 of the tanks was going to brake of from the line and make a flanking move on the AA,vihicles.
Wile the tank i was in and the 2 others were going for the other tanks.

We saw some of the enemy tanks realizing ouer "mission" and started to fire at ouer tanks that was on there way going for the aa.s.

Tho we fired back "Blocking shoots" to stop them from advancing towards them, and at the same time keep there fire on us
It worked.... They thought ouer tanks were living the battle after a wile and continued the fire on us... BAD mistake

With 3 tanks on a road that is driving forward and firing together is truly a epic feeling, i didn't see how it would look from the outside, tho inside i knowed that it was an EPIC battle going on.
After 10 min + the last enemy tank tank was a burning wreckage.

We dident see houer 2 tanks that wend for the aa.s no more so we guessed that they were taken out, and we sould soon realize how..

But now we were at our poss, we were holding the line and called in our infantry trucks. After some more minutes they were rolling into the town and took the flag.

But when we where going to guard the transports to there next waypoint where they should build a fire base, our commander screamed in the mic. TANK KILLERS ( warhoogs )
And not long after we heard the first planes fly over, my friends tank got hit but they jumped out, We in our tank screamed for backup or atleast an AA vehicle, tho it was to late, we saw the warhoog doing a fly by and sweeping in right infront of us, soon after the screen turned black and i was dead.

THAT is the story from PR - The best mod EVER done.

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