Två svåra uppgifter, kan någon?

Två svåra uppgifter, kan någon?

Här kommer två mycket svåra uppgifter som det vore kul att se om någon kunde lösa Om ni klarar båda har ni troligen en IQ på 145 eller mer.

1. Suppose five dots are arranged in a three-dimensional space so that no more than three at a time can have a flat surface pass through them. If each set of three dots has a flat surface pass through them and extend an infinite distance in every direction, what is the maximum number of distinct straight lines at which these planes can intersect one another?

2. Suppose there are ants at each vertex of a triangle and they all simultaneously crawl along a side of the triangle to the next vertex. The probability that no two ants will encounter one another is 2/8, since the only two cases in which no encounter occurs is when all the ants go left, i.e., clockwise -- LLL -- or all go right, i.e., counterclockwise -- RRR. In the six other cases -- RRL, RLR, RLL, LLR, LRL, and LRR -- an encounter occurs. Now suppose that, analogously, there is an ant at each vertex of a cube and that the ants all simultaneously move along one edge of the cube to the next vertex, each ant choosing its path randomly. What is the probability that no two ants will encounter one another, either en route or at the next vertex?


Vad betyder suppose?


<Raven> I tried setting my hotmail password to penis.
<Raven> It said my password wasn't long enough. :(


Suppose = Anta/Anta att

Skrivet av q0rra:

Vad betyder suppose?


My goal in life is to be the person my dog thinks I am.

Skrivet av q0rra:

Vad betyder suppose?

Du kanske ville vara ''rolig'' och få någon att skratta?

idag är jag på glad humör så *haha*


Fler IQ-test från samma källa.


People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

Skrivet av Iceguppi:

Suppose = Anta/Anta att

Du kollade inte länken?


<Raven> I tried setting my hotmail password to penis.
<Raven> It said my password wasn't long enough. :(

Skrivet av q0rra:
Skrivet av Iceguppi:

Suppose = Anta/Anta att

Du kollade inte länken?

Jo, förstod du inte att jag var ironisk tillbaka?

Skriv svar