PRMM update!

Project Reality 0.40 Status Update

Hey Everyone,

Thought I'd chime in and let y'all know where we're at with 040 development.

Kit Limiting Proof of Concept
Right now we have a bunch of stuff that we're wrapping up into the first 0401 test build. Some of this stuff is "roughed in" for proof concept, cuz we're gonna try some interesting stuff around kit limiting. We're gonna take a different approach from before and uh... this one might actually work. If it does work, it will be fairly intuitive and will enable us to change the class system quite substantially. We still haven't released the first test build, so we don't even know if our approach is going to work. But it is a focus for this build.

We are NOT planning to use the EA "unlock" feature in the upcoming BF2 patch for our kit limiting system. Our own system will give us more flexibility (again if it works). We came up with the idea when trying to work around the "no unlocks" scenario and actually think... IF IT WORKS... we have a system that will be fairly intuitive to use and is purely our own to make up the "rules" for kit supply.

We do plan to use the EA unlock for offering different loadouts as equipment and loadout options once available.

New Weapons
If kit limiting works, we'll be doing our final major rejig of the class system. We've read the hundreds of forum posts on here, had many of our own threads on it and have a class structure we're going to go into test with IF our kit limiting system works. If it doesn't work, we're going to still make some needed tweaks to the class system.

We'll be adding an unguided "Light AT" class to all factions equipped with an Assault Rifle and a single shot /single round lighter AT weapon. These weapon systems, like their real world counterparts, will have trouble with modern MBTs and such, but will be effective against lightly armored targets.

As canvassed to the community for your feedback, we intend upon adding a Bolt Action Sniper rifle to the MEC and PLA. Worst case, this will be like the M24 which is available on "woodland" type maps and the semi auto "designated marksman" type weapons will be on urban maps. If kit limiting works the bolt action Sniper class will become part of a limited supply kit for all factions.

Game Modes
We're introducing some variations on the XTRACT mode. Again still in proof of concept and this first build will let us know if what we want to try is feasible.

We have another new game mode we've cooked up, which we're calling SCENARIO. We will probably only release it in a limited way with 040 because, like with SOBJ and XTRACT, we don't want to invest too much into it before we know how you guys will receive it. It's more of a scenario builder than a capture the flag like experience, so I am sure there will be a lot to learn from the initial play testing.

We intend to drop SOBJ (Single Objective) with 0.40 and replace it with SCENARIO.

We're not sure what we might want to do with AAS. The challenge is resources and with the changes to XTRACT and the new SCENARIO game mode, we don't want to bite off more than we can chew.

One of the most important areas to address in 040 is what I call "usability issues" with our current alternative game modes. A lot of players don't have a clue what's going on. We need to improve that as much as we can. Game mode announcements, objective indicators and such.

British Kit Status
We're chipping away at the Brit Kit stuff and continue to make good progress getting things "in game". I was airborne in the Land Rover on our test map last night

The 040 Dev cycle will likely produce many screenshots of some British kit as we introduce it for testing purposes.

Will Brit Kit be in 040? Not sure. If it is, it will be in limited form, perhaps on some primarily "infantry" maps with some transport vehicles. We're gonna try get it in there, but it depends on how fast production goes (mostly coding).

Other Stuff
We've got some death effects roughed in where you have a progressively much more clear indication that you are dying (rather than just the bleeding and rather than a <> health meter). We’ll see how that tests out.

We've hacked in a slight stun effect when you get hit by a bullet, but not sure if that's going to work either hehe. The way we have hacked in some of these effects is um... a bit creative heh... it might not work.

Of course we'll be adding the EFX sounds to 040, thanks to everyone who helped organize and of course donate to purchase it for the community

We've definitely heard that a lot of folks aren't crazy about the supply drop and arty changes we made, so we'll be doing something about those. We'll also be enabling mappers to have vehicle drops at their disposal, but it won't be "cartillery".

There are about another 15 or 20 small to medium changes, I can't remember most of them hehe.

We've got quite a few BF2 community generated maps available to us as well as some PR team developed maps that are coming along nicely. Still making some decisions there but we've certainly learned a lot about the importance of level design to game mode playability.

I'm hugely grateful to the mappers from within the PR community who have been doing some great work with maps. I hope we can include maps generated from within the community in the next release of PR.

Well we do intend to hold a few things until right near the end of the dev cycle, hopefully as pleasant surprises

For sure the 040 release will happen AFTER the BF2 1.31 (or 1.4 as it may be) release. This is because we really need game mode switching back and don't want to have to spend time on our own workaround. EA will be enabling us to run mixed game modes in a single map list with the next BF2 release.

The move to an open beta for this next BF2 patch is a god send for mod teams. We'll have a clear read on what is broken, if anything, and ideally have a fix in place shortly after the release of the patch.

Given that EA is doing an open beta for their next patch in July, which translates to sometime in JULY as the EARLIEST possible date you might see a 040 release from us. We do not plan to introduce any other patches or features before that time.

We'll have to play it a bit by ear. The 040 release date will depend on:
- How stable the features we have added to 040 are
- When the BF2 patch releases and what it breaks / adds / fixes
- How far away we might be from adding a first release of the British Kit

Thanks for your support, ideas, enthusiasm, and enjoyment of Project Reality

[R-DEV]Eggman and the rest of the Project Reality Team


dom fortsätter att leverera bra saker


PRM är lätt den bästa modden till BF2, det gäller verkligen att ha ett bra teamwork för att kunna överleva åtminstånde en till två minuter...

Någon som har koll på deras ranking system? Vad är det för krav osv. ?


BF2 Stats I Medlem i PHD
Dator¤ Asus A8N-SLI Premuim ¤ AMD 3500+ ¤ 2GB RAM ¤ XFX 7800GT ¤ 250GB SATA2 ¤ Samsung 930BF ¤


Om du syftar på ABR ranking/browser systemet så är det nere för tillfället eftersom EA/DICE pajade det i senaste patchen. Eller om du syftar på poäng systemet så är det ganska så unikt.
Man får mer poäng om man t.ex. håller sig inom sin squad, dödar en squadleader, long range kills m.m.


skulle bara lägga till. Om du vill få reda på mer om ABR gå då in på


ah tack så mycket, ska kolla på det!
PRMM är ju lätt den roligaste modden på länge, varför är inte battlefield så?


BF2 Stats I Medlem i PHD
Dator¤ Asus A8N-SLI Premuim ¤ AMD 3500+ ¤ 2GB RAM ¤ XFX 7800GT ¤ 250GB SATA2 ¤ Samsung 930BF ¤


ganska så enkelt. folk som köper BF vill att det ska vara lätt att döda så många som möjligt utan att behöva anstränga sig. Därför är BF2 inte som PR


För att BF2 inte är en modd, PRMM är det. Hade BF2 varit så hade PRMM varit överflödigt. Fler frågor?


Ehm... Karmalicious, pimpim, kohlmark; om BF2 hade ursprungligen varit som PRMM så hade inte ens den modden planerats, än mindre blivit påbörjad/färdiggjord. Däremot skulle det med största möjliga sannolikhet varit mindre n00bs som spelade BF2 och istället varit fler seriösa spelare som undertecknad!


I would rather be infamous than not famous at all!


tack. igår fick jag en impuls att spela vanliga BF2 och dum som jag var joinade jag en strike at karkand map. jag höll på att börja gråta när jag insåg att ingenting har förändrats till det bättre sen jag gick över till PRMM. 20 tanks/pac whorade runt kartan samtidigt som 200 jävla infantry soldater springer runt och bombar sönder kartan med sina granater.

Sen kommer man till fushee pass och där är det lika pissigt. Ett av dom största problemen med BF2 är att man kan ta vilken spawnpoint man vill på kartan. tex 2/3 av spelarna befinner sig vid varandra och så hör man ''we lost control of an outpost'' 700 meter bort.

Dom borde införa AAS mode dvs advance and secure där man måste ta flaggorna i ordning. Annars blir det bara en enda stor röra

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