Stalker 2-utvecklarna: Vi ska göra vårt bästa
GSC Game World twittrar om att de ska göra allt de kan för att få fortsätta med Stalker 2, men de säger också att i dagsläget är ingenting säkert.
Jag tror det när jag ser det.
Bättre atmosfär i ett spel får man söka efter.
[Core i7 920 4,2ghz] [Rampage 2 Extreme][Gtx 295] [3x2gb ddr3 1600mhz] [3 x 24tum e2400hd]
Jag...önskar dom lycka till I guess? Aldrig varit ett fan av Stalker, största del pga buggarna som fanns vilket inte var ett fåtal. Men hoppas och önska de lycka till kan jag nog.
Man spelar inte STALKER utan mods, som gör det till spelet det borde vara
"Remember, if your computer gets fucked, don't go ape shit - just fuckin' fix it"
Från ett annat forum:
"Well this f****ng sucks."
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"LATEST UPDATE: 1c Ukraine’s Sergey Galenkin has blogged about the closure of GSC. He states: “GSC is closed, a fact confirmed by all. The team is almost completely dissolved, the state has only a few people.” Galenkin blames the cost of developing a PC only shooter for a European audience, and a failed console publishing deal, for the collapse of the developer."
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"As this blog post was picked up by some English-speaking outlets, I thought I should add an English translation, because Google Translate does a really poor job here.
So, I wasn’t going to write about this before I could talk to Grigorovich, but he isn’t picking up phone and there is a lot of rumors around, so I’ve decided to clarify some things. I don’t work at GSC, but I know a lot of people there and here is what I got after talking to them. This is purely unofficial of course.
GSC is no more. Almost everyone is let go, only few people left and still employed. STALKER 2 project is closed.
My friends at GSC believe that the reason for that is failed console publishing deal. GSC couldn’t sign any publisher for STALKER 2 on consoles, and GSC wasn’t strong enough to do it all by itself. STALKER 2 was going to become PC exlcusive, which isn’t a great future for story-driven game.
Some say that Grigorovich demanded a lot from publishers and his terms were unacceptable, some say that publishers didn’t like setting – Eastern European postapocalypse is not that popular outside Europe. I don’t know which is true, but guess it is a bit of both.
Also, some people at GSC say that Grigorovich wasn’t happy with quality of STALKER 2, but others say it was going to be a great game and huge improvement over first one. One guy said that Grigorovich was tired of game development and no longer interested in STALKER at all, but I don’t believe it, knowing Sergey for last ten years. He might be tired, yes, but he loved STALKER.
I’ve read on Ukranews about «goverment agencies trying to take over GSC». None of my friends confirms it. It is just not possible: only thing that valuable in GSC is it’s IP and it is registered outside Ukraine. Also, I’ve heard numerous people saying that Grigorovich talked to them about closing GSC for a year now.
"I don’t know what will happen to STALKER next. Grigorovich might sell or lease it to other companies: there was at some point browser-based STALKER game in production. But there is only one studio in Ukraine that can handle this – 4A Games, creators of original STALKER. And they’re not exactly friends with Grigorovich. As for other Eastern European developers (from Poland or Bulgaria) – I don’t believe they can do STALKER 2 justice. Some are just too good to work for IP that is not their own and some don’t have enough experience."
Tråkigt med Stalker serien, håller med om att atmosfären är helt fantastisk i de spelen. Men tyvärr så måste jag säga att jag själv undrat hur länge de skulle kunna hålla den vid liv. Det har lixom inte hänt särskilt mycket med själva spelet i de senaste titlarna tycker snarare att kvaliten har blivit sämmre. Med undantag för första stalker som var i princip ospelbart när det släpptes.
Att man inte ens kan/bryr sig om att översätta spelet ordentligt till engelska säger väl ändå en del. Vilket iofs var rätt charmigt ibland men det kunde även göra det lite jobbigt att klara ut vissa quests etc vill jag minnas.
Men men tror ändå nånstans att det kommer lösa sig. Det är ändå ett etablerat IP som rätt många känner till.