Funderingar på att återvända till EVE.

Funderingar på att återvända till EVE.

Effter att ha tittat på AT7 så blev man sugen på eve igen.

Effter att ha spenderat det mesta av min tidigare tid i eve med att köra missions så skulle det vara kul med pvp bara det att jag är en komplett nolla när det gäller det. Jag körde det ett kort tag för ett par år sedan. Som en del i Ohmegacorp i curse alliance tror jag det var.

Min karaktär är Caldari 19 mil sp med det mesta i missiles och shield crap då det e najs i missions.

Min karaktär kan flyga caldari command, covert ops, recon, och interceptors, troligtvis också assault ships och massa annat skräp.

Jag har börjat träna lite turret skills då det skall ju vara bättre för pvp.

Jag undrar om det finns ngt najs corp som kan tänka sig att ta sig an mig och lära mig pvp. Definitivt inte begränsad till svenska corp utan bara de är öppna på att jag vet hur grunderna i själva spelet fungerar men extremt begränsad kunskap om PVP.

Typ jag vet hur man Targetpaintar, warpscram och den standarden men inte mycket mer.

Skulle vara najs med något corp som är rätt relaxad då jag inte vet hur mycket av min tid jag vill lägga på eve, vill helst slippa att bränna ut mig igen.




woot? pvp missions?!


Låter intressant, finns det ngn guide som man kan läsa på för att lära sig om hur factional warfare funkar, factional warefare fanns sist när jag lirade men satte aldrig mig in i det hela.




En mindre sammanställning av de moment som ingår i FW:

FW Missions

The expansion introduces a new type of factional warfare agent who only gives kill missions to signed-up FW players. They differ from the regular agent missions in several ways:

* Players are always required to fly through the enemy combat zone in order to achieve the objectives.
* The mission difficulty remains far easier than their regular counterparts.
* Once warped to, the mission beacon is broadcast in space and on the overview, allowing any player to enter the mission area.
* The missions are only “kill” types. No storylines are given after 16 missions completed.
* FW missions may only be given by a FW militia corporation to enlisted players. Characters not part of such a corporation will not be able to receive a FW mission regardless of his/her standings.
* Microwarpdrives are allowed in FW Missions, but cynosural fields are not.
* Apart from the above, FW missions work in the same way than their normal counterparts: players receive standing increase, LPs and ISK for completing them.

Example: a character belonging to a player corporation enlisted with the Amarr Empire will be able to receive missions from the 24th Imperial Crusade (the Amarr FW Militia) on top of the regular non-FW missions from standard agents. He will also be only granted ranks for his own faction.

FW Dungeons

Each solar system located inside a combat zone will spawn a certain number of FW Dungeons that may be found using scan probes (the scan difficult is quite low). Depending on the system location and which faction a player is part of, pilots may either attack or defend the complex.

The FW Dungeons are classified as "Cosmic Anomaly" in the scanning menu (CTRL+F11). A multispectral probe may be launched first to verify if any of them may be found, then appropriately ranged quest probes should be deployed to pinpoint it.

Note: the ship on-board scanner may also be used with good results due to the high signal radius of FW Dungeons.

When found, players may warp to the FW Dungeon just like any regular exploration site.

When first warped to, the FW Dungeon will switch to an active state where its location will be broadcasted in the system and available as a warp-in beacon in the overview. From this point, it is possible to right-click the beacon line from the overview to know exactly which vessels are restricted to enter the dungeon acceleration gate.

If your ship matches the acceleration gate restriction filter, it is then possible to warp inside the complex itself to either attack or defend the site, depending on character faction.

Claiming such a dungeon for your faction is done by:

* Staying inside the beacon activation range until the countdown timer expires. This varies depending on the FW Dungeon size.

o Small: 10 minute timer, 10km Range
o Medium: 15 minute timer, 20km Range
o Large: 20 minute timer, 30km Range

* Players may conquer FW Dungeons belonging to any opposing faction, but they will only conquer it for the defending/attacking factions in this system

o Example: A Minmatar player may claim a Caldari FW Dungeon, but the points will be awarded to the Gallente faction for that system.

* Flying a proper ship, not a pod or shuttle.
* Not being cloaked.

FW Dungeon limitations:

* Microwarpdrives are allowed in all FW Dungeons.
* If the FW Dungeon is closed (meaning, if it possesses an acceleration gate at its entrance), then no cynosural fields are allowed.

The countdown timer:

When capturing a FW Dungeondungeon, pilots have to pay attention to the countdown timer that may show the following:

* [Faction name] capturing [time]: a faction is currently conquering the site as at least one player is close enough to the beacon. It will be captured in the amount of time specified.
* Contested: two or more players belonging to opposing factions are close enough to the beacon. One of the two opposing factions will have to be eliminated for the capturing process to resume (the timer is not restarted when switching from "capturing" to "contested"). This flag is also shown when no faction is currently capturing the beacon.

Warning: the capturing countdown does not function in an absolute fashion. If a first faction has been capturing the site for a certain amount of time before being crushed by an opposing force, the victors will first have to undo the capturing time before starting to claim it for their own.

Example: a Minmatar Republic strike team seizes and starts capturing a FW Dungeon belonging to one of the Amarr Empire systems. Timer displays 7 minutes out of 15 elapsed when an Amarr fleet destroys the Minmatar and conquers the site. The Amarrians will have to wait 7+15 = 22 minutes before capturing it.


The main objective to capture FW Dungeons remains to make the system Control Bunker vulnerable to open attack, which will then switch the Occupancy occupancy to the attacking faction.

Control Bunker

The Control Bunker is the key to unlock the system occupancy and switch it to your faction. In its natural state it remains completely invulnerable to attack and cannot be locked by anyone. However, if an attacking faction manages to capture enough FW Dungeonsdungeons, the Control Bunker will enter a vulnerable state where it may be locked by any character belonging to the attacking FW faction.

Example: in a vulnerable state, a Gallente Control Bunker may only be locked by Caldari State FW players. Any other pilot (including the Gallente Federation enlisted pilots) will not be able to do so.

When vulnerable, the Control Bunker may be attacked and conquered when its hull receives structural damage. If that happens, the attacking faction will gain control of the Occupancy occupancy during the next downtime, while all remaining FW Dungeons will grant no progress toward capture and no more FW Dungeons will spawn until the system Occupancy occupancy switches.

When the Occupancy occupancy has changed, FW Dungeons belonging to the new faction occupying the system will spawn and the whole process starts again.

Warning: nothing prevents FW Dungeons from being captured while Control Bunker is attacked. As such, it is perfectly possible for the bunker to go back into an invulnerable mode if the defending faction manages to claim several FW Dungeons.

Example: after the Minmatar Republic captures enough FW Dungeons, the Control Bunker, sitting quietly in a static dungeon, switches from being invulnerable to being vulnerable to attack. The Minmatar Republic blobs it, but when it is at 10 % shield the Amarr Empire manages to win another dungeon, returning the system Control Bunker to an invulnerable state

Occupancy and Territory Control

The main objective for a particular faction remains to conquer enemy systems while defending its own. To meet this goal, a new variable, Occupancy, is used to determine which faction currently military owns a particular system.

Warning: Occupancy has nothing to do with Sovereigntysovereignty. Sovereignty specifies which faction originally settled in a particular system, while Occupancy occupancy displays which faction armed forces are currently occupying it. As such, Sovereignty will never change from FW victories.

Changing Occupancy implies:

1. Capturing enough FW dungeons until the bunker becomes vulnerable.
2. Once vulnerable, capturing the Control Bunker located in the system.

Attacking/Defending factions:

Each system located in a combat zone is fought over by two opposing factions. The faction owning Occupancy occupancy is named defender, while the one trying to gain it offender. "Allied" factions cannot claim the system by themselves but may help the attacking/defending faction in their task.

Example: Old Man Star is a combat zone system disputed between the Gallente Federation and the Caldari State. The Gallente Federation, owning Occupancy, will be the defenders and the Caldari State attackers. Amarr and Minmatar may conquer FW Dungeons, but they will help their allied faction instead of claiming it for their own.

Warning: "Allied" factions or the defender itself cannot lock a vulnerable Control Bunker, only the attacking faction may do so.

Note: the "allied" term is only used to refer to a friendly faction as the game mechanics do not make a difference between it and a neutral entity. Even if Minmatar players may be able to help Gallente pilots claiming a FW Dungeon, they won’t be able to shoot each other without facing a Global Criminal Flag.

System Occupancy states:

There are different system states appearing in the "Occupancy" line on the top-left corner of the screen depending on the attacker/defender general strength status:

* Un-contested: natural state of a system occupancy and thus not directly shown. The system is currently not actively fought over by different factions.
* Contested: FW Dungeons have been claimed by the offenders. Defenders may take it down to "un-contested" by winning FW Dungeons back.
* Vulnerable: the attacking force won enough FW Dungeons to put the Control Bunker to vulnerable for attack.
* Lost: the system has been successfully captured by the attacking faction. As such, the Occupancy will switch to the new faction after the next Downtime. Existing FW Dungeons no longer affect the power scale and new ones won’t spawn until then.

Standing Mechanics

Two main standings are used in Factional Warfare:

* Faction standings for joining requirements and NPC Agression.
* FW Militia standings for ranks.

Faction standings:

This standings type determines a character's or corporation's eligibility to join a particular faction. It must be kept above 0.5 for the entity to join and stay enlisted toward the faction.

Faction standings are also used when verifying NPC aggression, as a character with positive standings will not be harmed by that faction's NPCs unless they are aggressed first. The exact standing value may vary depending on the FW Dungeon or mission.

Characters with -5.0 or less faction standings toward an empire will be shot when entering its space. Finally, high faction standings may determine the kind of mission a player can accept from a FW militia, as long as he is enlisted with its linked faction.

Example: player A has 8.0 standings with the Gallente Federation. That means he will be able to individually join the Federal Defense Union corporation which is the FW Militia of the Gallente Federation as he has more than 0.5 faction standings with it. NPCs belonging to the Gallente Federation will not shoot at the player and once enlisted to FW, the player may start doing all mission levels from the Federal Defense Union as the agents requirements are met.

FW Militia standings:

FW Militia standings indirectly reflect a player’s rank as long as he remains enlisted to the same faction. Each player starts with 0.0 Militia standings when joining FW to prevent any advantage for mission runners.

Leaving Factional Warfare will make a player retire and lose his rank, but he will retain and get the rank when/if joining later as long as the FW Militia standings are not modified.

Saxat från ett forum.


(batsman) Det enda som är större än njutningen av ett avklarat arbete, är att skjuta upp det till morgondagen.


MMm ser intresant ut. Har funderingar på att börja om också för jag tycker att namnet min gubbe har är kassto och jag har lite förakt för Caldari så funderar på att köra Minmatar.

Jag vet att man kan flyga alla skepp men fan jag stör mig på min gubbe.
I vilket fall som helst väntar jag nog någon vecka eller två så får vi se tack för all info i alla fall.




Börja inte om och släng bort 19m sp!

trada isåfall till dig en ny karaktär på eve-o, du borde kunna få vilken ras du vill 12-15m sp PvP karaktär för din gubbe nästan oavsett vad din gubbe e specialiserad i.

istället för att börja om på 1m sp. Det kommer nog bara att göra dig frustrerad. Support skills är jätte viktigt och vid 19m sp har du nog mycket av det.

Om du vill PvPa finns det bara en sak att göra, PvPa. Ingen guide eller corp kan lära dig PvPa. I grunden behöver du en warp scram, dps och kunna trycka på modulerna och f1-f5. Allt utöver det är erfarenhet. EvE PvP är så komplext att man kan liksom inte lära ut hur man ser om ens fiende är bete, om det är en fälla, om han är för självsäker etc etc. Sådant kommer bara med erfarenhet. Att joina ett corp som EvE university som kör runt i 30 man stora gangs och gankar allt dom ser lär dig absolut ingenting. FW fungerar vad jag förstår ofta så också. 10vs10 som FW kanske erbjuder är heller ingen bra miljö att lära sig i. Det du lär dig av ovan nämnda fall är att trycka f1-f5 och se vad som händer och det kan du göra på egen hand. Att få en massa kills i ett 30man gang kan vara kul, men du lär dig in princip ingenting.

Så skaffa ett billigt skepp, börja med en kestrel, rifter eller incursus. Du kommer dö hela tiden i början men du kommer garanterat att lyckas döda någon här och där också. Sen är de bara att lära av sina misstag.

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