R1Q2 cfg (cl_maxfps "120"?)

R1Q2 cfg (cl_maxfps "120"?)

Jag har aldrig varit bra på det här med att konfigurera Q2 (R1Q2). Får nåt felmeddelande om att jag inte ska köra högt cl_maxfps utan sätta den till max 30 och sedan köra set vid_optimalrefresh "1" eftersom R1Q2 skiljer nätverksöverföringen från grafikrenderingen, men det går knappt att röra sig då (dubbelhopp funkar inte osv). Hur ska jag sätta dessa värden för att kunna hoppa uppför Q2DM8-lådor (100+fps) och få bra flyt i strafe-andet samt ha effektiv kontakt med servern?


jag har för mig att jag har petat in i cfg:n ->
r_maxfps 120
cl_maxfps 120
cl_packets 25000 (vetefan om denna sträng är rätt, prova att tabba i r1q2 annars)
v-sync måste vara av (?) för att de ska funka


u mad bro?


OK, tack, får testa det.


Det beror väldans mycket på vilken setting du använder för CVAR = cl_protocol samt cl_async.

När R1CH skapade r1q2 så skapade han ett eget nätverksprotokoll, som arbetar helt annorlunda än det gamla i orginalspelet.
Det var många som fick problem med detta nya för hur mycket man än slipade på settings så fick många problem med hopp, gå i trappor och att strafe-hoppa.

Resultatet blev att han lade in en lösning så man kan välja mellan hans nya protokoll (cl_protocol=35) och att köra med det gamla(cl_protocol=34).

Jag fick följande basic settings av [KTA]Dimmu under den gamla goda tiden för att få quake2 att uppföra sig som man är van vid:

// --- My personal basic CFG settings --- exec g4i_basic.cfg //Essential commands for R1Q2 according to [KTA]Dimmu set vid_ref "r1gl" set cl_cmdcomplete "0" set cl_async "0" set cl_smoothsteps "2" set cl_protocol "34" //Xania rail type set cl_railtrail "4" //There are two ways of fixing WinXP acceleration bug : m_fixaccel or m_directinput //Choose your flavour set m_fixaccel "0" //Enable DirectInput mouse support. Use in_restart to restart the input sybsystem after changing this cvar. set m_directinput "2" in_restart

Jag fick aldrig nya protokollet (cl_protocol=35) att fungera bra, men har en cfg för det med (inklsuive kommentarer för vad CVAR är till för):

// --- My personal basic CFG settings --- exec g4i_basic.cfg //Essential commands for R1Q2 protocol = 35 //R1Q2 GL set vid_ref "r1gl" set cl_defertimer 1 //Defer rendering for this amount of time in seconds after loading renderer. //Fixes vid_restarts in the middle of maps causing crashes. Default 1. set cl_protocol 35 //Protocol version to report. Defaults to 0 (autodetect) and will attempt protocol 35 followed by 34. //Sometimes though you may have to set cl_protocol 34 to connect to some weird servers or if a server //is running an old version of R1Q2. You should normally not need to touch this. set cl_lents 0 //Local entity test. Leave off for now as they don't really do anything. Default 0. set r_maxfps 1000 //Maximum rendering FPS (previously limited by cl_maxfps). Default 1000. set cl_maxfps 30 //Controls network packet rate. More than 30 is rarely needed, keep it at 30 to save bandwidth and //CPU resources on server. Default 30. If cl_async is 0, cl_maxfps and r_maxfps become the same thing. set scr_conheight 0.6 //Percentage of the screen that the console will drop to. Ranges beteen 0 and 1. Default 0.5. set m_directinput 2 //Enable DirectInput mouse support which provides smoother, non-accelerated mouse input. //Default 0. Set to 1 to enable "buffered" DirectInput, 2 to enable "immediate" DirectInput. //Immediate takes a snapshot of the mouse state when Q2 asks for one as opposed to buffered which //lets Q2 see every single mouse event. set m_fixaccel 1 //Attempt to disable mouse acceleration on Win2k/XP/2k3. Note that this won't remove acceleration completely, //but lessen the effect of it. DirectInput is recommended to remove it completely. //Default depends on OS, 0 on Win9x, 1 on Win2k+. Ignored if using DirectInput. //In case you need another sensitivity in R1Q2 than in your other clients set sensitivity "4.25" //set sensitivity "2.65" in_restart set in_dinputkeyboard 0 //Enable DirectInput keyboard support. May help with those experiencing "keyjams" where input continues //to occur after releasing a key or a key takes a moment to register. Default 0. //k_repeatrate [integer] / k_repeatdelay [integer] //Key repeat rate and delay when using DirectInput keyboard. Ignored if not using DirectInput keyboard. //Defaults 0 mean to try to match those set in Windows. set cl_hidewindowtitle 0 //Hide the window title bar when in windowed mode. Default 0. set cl_cmdcomplete 2 //Console tab completion behaviour. 0 = standard Q2 style, 1 = ProQuake style, 2 = R1Q2 style. Default 2. set cl_drawfps 0 //Draw the number of frames rendered per second on screen. Default 0. set cl_async 1 //Use asyncronous network/rendering FPS. Asyncronous FPS will reduce outgoing bandwidth/packet rate at //the expense of altering how certain aspects of the physics respond. Set to 0 if you prefer to use the //exact same model as Q2 3.20. Default 1. set cl_instantpacket 1 //Send packet immediately on important events such as weapon firing. Warning, this command will cause //you to exceed whatever cl_maxfps is set to and may cause lag if your rendering rate is very high. //Safe to use and recommended in b1788+ as it will only send additional packets on the first input event //or command. Default 1, ignored if cl_async is 0. set cl_smoothsteps 2 //Smooth movement up steps/stairs. The prediction that smooths this doesn't work so well at low cl_maxfps //values so you can turn it off. 0 = off, 1 = original Q2 style step smoothing, 2 = more aggressive step smoothing, //3 = try to detect 'steps' and only smooth them. If cl_async is set to 0, this cvar is ignored and the original //Q2 style smoothing is used. Default 3. set cl_strafejump_hack 0 //If 1, predict strafejumps that would normally be capped by FPS limits. //Will cause prediction misses on all servers except R1Q2 servers running sv_strafejump_hack 1. //Before you ask, no, this will not allow you to strafe jump any better unless the server is R1Q2 //with sv_strafejump_hack 1. Default 0. set cl_defermodels 1 //Defer model loading for faster connection times, but can cause stuttering when first entering the map. //Default 1, can be disabled if it bothers you. set cl_filterchat 0 //Filter colortext or other funky characters from chat messages? Default 0. set cl_autorecord 0 //Automatically begin recording on entering a map? Default 0. Will record to 'YY-MM-DD-HHMM-mapname.dm2' if 1. set cl_railtrail 4 //Set colored/xania railgun trail. Values from 1-5 will use a colored laser, values from 5-248 will alter //the colors of the original railgun trail. Default 0. //cl_beginmapcmd [string] //cl_endmapcmd[string] //A string of commands to run at the beginning and end of a map respectively. Eg set cl_endmapcmd "screenshot" will take a screenshot at the end of a map. set net_maxmsglen 0 //Maximum message size to support on R1Q2 servers. Default of 1390 matches Q2 3.20 default. //Set to 0 to use maximum available size, this is recommended if your router/ISP doesn't suck. //Many routers seem unable to handle UDP properly and thus you will experience stalled connections //to R1Q2 servers with this set at 0. If it works at 0, use it, if not, stick with 1390. set s_ambient 1 //Control whether ambient sounds on entities or in the map are played. Default 1. set s_initsound 1 //Control sound initialization style. 0 = no sound, 1 = Q2 standard (DirectSound), //2 = OpenAL (requires OpenAL runtimes, see above). Default 1. //s_openal_device [string] //OpenAL device to use. Defaults to DirectSound3D, can be DirectSound or MMSYSTEM. set s_openal_extensions [0/1] Control whether OpenAL should initialize any extensions. Default 1. set s_openal_eax 0 //Control whether to use EAX. Default 0. At present, only underwater effect is supported. set s_openal_volume 1 //Allows scaling of OpenAL volume. Default 1. set win_priority 0 //Control application priority level. Setting to -1 or -2 may help if you have devices drivers //etc that require CPU time that Q2 is stealing from them. Default 0. set fs_cache 7 //Control file system caching behaviour. Bit 1 caches files in paks, bit 2 caches missing files, //bit 4 caches files outside paks. Eg to cache everything except files outside paks, use fs_cache 3. //If a file is cached by R1Q2, you should not edit it on disk without performing an 'fsflushcache' //command before Q2 tries to re-use it. Default 7 (cache everything). set fs_noextern 0 //Prevent loading of files outside of pak files. Default 0. //Set this to 1 and you may lose the player models and all you see is small white shapes. set err_fatal 0 //Treat all errors as fatal. Default 0. //dbg_unload [0/1] //Control whether to unload DLLs on a crash. Default 1. Don't touch this unless you know what you're doing. //dbg_crash_on_fatal_error [0/1] //Control whether to int 3 on an ERR_FATAL. Default 0. Don't touch this unless you know what you're doing. vid_restart

En sak till som är viktig med protocol 35 ... hoppandet blir lidande. Läs vad han själv skriver :

Skrivet av R1CH på sitt forum:

Using a lower cl_maxfps will cause a few issues, notably: physics exploits such as crate jumping will not work, jump height when launching off ramps will be lower and prediction misses when climbing stairs can occur. For the vast majority of mods you shouldn't really experience a problem unless you're one of these people who run cl_maxfps 200 or something silly. For mods where jumping is crucial, eg the Q2 Jump mod, the cl_async cvar can be set to 0 to restore original Q2 "one packet per frame" behaviour.

Här tycker jag att R1CH har missat en viktig del i spelet då de flesta av oss har kört med att hoppa på lådor ... det är en del av spelet sedan flera år tillbaka. Dessutom behövs inte "cl_maxfps=200 or something silly" för att hoppa upp på lådor, men som en sann engelsk tekniker vet han bäst själv och vi andra är bara oupplysta dumbommar. Det var många turer i början där han var ganska otrevlig innan han faktiskt lyssnade på kritiken när den kom från toppspelare runt i världen .. då tillkom protokoll 34 som en nödlösning för att rädda hans skinn.

Nåja, jag hoppas du har mer CFG-settings att leka med nu. Lycka till


Man slutar inte leka för att man blir gammal, man blir gammal för att man slutar leka.


Tack Gman. Testade 34-versionen och den kändes bättre. Vad har du satt för värden på r_maxfps och cl_maxfps?

Skrivet av cR3X:

Tack Gman. Testade 34-versionen och den kändes bättre. Vad har du satt för värden på r_maxfps och cl_maxfps?

Jag kör med följande i min CFG för protokoll 34:

set cl_maxfps "120" //Gandalf4i recommends : set value to your old CL_MAXFPS value = maximum Hz in your gaming GL_MODE set r_maxfps "160"

Kolla gärna med t.ex. RefreshLock vad du har för Hz i den upplösning du använder när du spelar och anpassa r_maxfps till det.


Man slutar inte leka för att man blir gammal, man blir gammal för att man slutar leka.


Tack igen! Ska pröva RefreshLock vid tillfälle ...

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