Battleifled 2: Completed Collection problem....
Okej till o börja med så har jag nu problem med Special force som följde med Completed Collection att den säger invalid cd key. Ska ta allt från början och ursäkta för stavfel etc är jäkligt trött just nu.
Det hela började med kontaktade EA supporten mellan 1-2 idag på eftermiddagen för jag skulle testa aktivera min retail kopia av BF2 via Origin men gick inte. Kontaktade supporten vi fixade genom där då la supporten till BF2 Completed Collection på mitt konto visst såg glad ut efter jag fick det. Startade upp testa först för att se BF2 funkade som det skulle det funkade bra. Skulle testa Special Force nu funkade fint med SP läget men fort jag joinar en server så får jag
"Den cd_nyckeln som installerades med Battlefield 2: Special Forces är ogiltig. Skaffa en orginalversion av Battlefield 2: Special Forces genom att klicka på knappen nedan."
Kontaktade support han gav mig lite råd först att jag skulle öppna Battlefield 2_code.exe i support mappen för att skriva om min cd nyckel sa att det inte gick att öppna (har Win7 64bit). Då sa han ladda ner revounistaller o tabort allt med BF2 att göra visst tänkte jag gör som supporten säger men ingen lycka där efter ominstallationen kunde fortfarande inte öppna battlefield 2_code.exe. Då bad han mig att uppdatera om spelet förklarade han gång på gång att jag inte kan uppdatera då han uppdaterar spelet helt själv under installationen så när man startar spelet så har man denna version 1.5.3153-802.0. Då sa han att starta om datorn till felsäkert läge o testa hjälpte inte heller *suck*
Kontaktade ea igen om samma ärende denna person sa igen samma sak som den förra så påpekade samma sak jag hade testat allt sånt. Jaha då ville dem se mitt skrivbord och se om det fanns nån lösning där :S men dem hittade inget där. Så då gav dem mig en ny cd nyckel som jag skulle testa gick inte aktivera den nyckeln supporten gav mig frågade om man skulle aktivera via origin ja sa dem men fick att produkt nyckeln funkade inte.
Då fick jag detta sen av dem "Due to the nature of the issue, I’ll need to forward the matter for further review. One of our Senior Support staff members will review the matter and get back to you, via e-mail, within 24-48 hours. Meanwhile, we thank you for your continued patience."
Vart lite mer frustrerad över att en support kan inte fixa ett problem finns det andra lösningar för att lösa detta? Sökte lite över nätet men hittade man skulle uppdatera om spelet men kan ju inte det pga att den auto-updates. Här är allt vi pratade om för er som orkar läsa
Ursäkta för min dåliga engelska
"info: Your approximate wait time is 5 minute.
info: Your approximate wait time is 1 minute.
info: You are now ready to chat with Prashant.
Prashant: Thanks for contacting EA Help! My name is Prashant how may I help you?
you: Hey u maybe see my case now and what have been done there. The solutions i got from the other support here did not work. If u cant see what its about so i can a do a quick update
Prashant: Could you please elaborate your issue?
Prashant: Are we connected?
you: Oh sorry the last one who helpt me told me the other support here would see what we have been doing. Okay. I have a problem with BF2 completed collector i got it today. The problem is when i gonna try special force but cant join a server cause its says my cd key is invalid and want me to send me to a new page on origin to buy a new special force. My copy is brandnew. The last who helpt me told me to get revounistaller to install whole game and keys on the reigster etc. And told me then to reinstall and open the battlefield 2_code.exe to reenter my cd key but wont help. he tryed to do try that thing on clean install and in safe boot did not helpt out either. He told to update the game manually but i told him during the install its autoupdate to the last version of the game to 1.5. My BF2 account i use to play online is XXXXX email to the account is XXXXX and my origin cd key to the completed collector is XXXXXX
Prashant: Thank you for the clarification.
you: Ups i saw some miss spelling in the text. I mean with the Battlefield 2_code.exe he told me to open that and reenter the key but it wont open tryed manythings to get it open
Prashant: Tobias, Where did you purchase the game from?
you: Origin.
Prashant: May I have your Order number please?\
you: Dont have any. miss understanding here. I contacted the ea support around 13:30 on afternoon to get help cause i could not activate my BF2 cd key. So he/she that helpt me out told me to get a new accout on podo then login on ea.profile link my podo account there and select my new origin account that i used. So he/she told me now that the BF2 is added to my gamelist so i logout and logged in again cause he/she told me to see if i had the game there
Prashant: May I have your EA account Email with your game code?
you: yes sure XXXXXXXXXXXX
you: Is my login email to my origin account
Prashant: To have a better insight, may I have a look at your desktop and figure out the probable cause of the issue?
you: sure
info: Desktop Sharing session requested by 'Prashant'. Click here to initiate
info: Desktop Sharing approval window shown
info: Desktop Sharing approved
info: Desktop Sharing session started
Prashant: Tobias, I can see your desktop now, please show me your issue.
you: okay should i start the battlefield 2_code.exe and start the game and show u?
Prashant: Yes
you: so u can see when i start BF2 and show?
you: Do u see anything from ingame?
Prashant: I am sorry, I was just getting blank screen.
Prashant: Please provide the exact error message you are getting.
you: ah
you: okay but when i got that invalid cd key
you: its take me to this website
you: the battlefield 2_code.exe wont even run not on admin rights or safemode with netword or without network
you: can u see a picture now? a screenshot from ingame i just opened
Prashant: Would you mind holding for a couple of minutes while I fetch some relevant information?
you: sure
you: Here is the screenshot of ingame its say this cd key The CD-key installed with Battlefield 2 Special Forces is invalid. Get an original version of Battlefield 2: Special Forces by clicking the button below
Prashant: Tobias, please try this code and confirm the same XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
you: On origin?
Prashant: Yes
you: it wont open now. I got it open first to redeem a code but it sayed product key invalid so i tryed to type the cd key withou "-" but now i got its not avaible
you: so cant acces to redeem a code now
you: Nope the cd key is not valid cant acctivate it
info: Desktop Sharing session stopped by the visitor
Prashant: Please follow below mentioned steps -
Prashant: * Click Start-> My Computer ( Click the diamond icon instead of Start in case of Windows Vista/7)
* Double-Click the directory where Battlefield 2 is installed (C: by default)
* Double-Click the Program Files/Program Files(x86) folder
* Double-Click the EA GAMES folder
* Double-Click the Battlefield 2 folder
* Double-Click the Support folder
* Double-Click to run the file called Battlefield 2_code.exe (This will allow you to re-enter your code)
Once it get refreshed, start the game again.
you: I have already tryed that once
you: it wont open Battlefield 2_code.exe
Prashant: Please uninstall the game manually and then reinstall and update it again to completely remove and replace corrupted files.
Prashant: Please Install the patch 1.50
Prashant: Either the complete collection should be install or 1.41 should be install. Once this is done, you will have the complete installation of the Battlefield 2 series lineup and your online issues should be fixed.
you: I have tryed that to. I cant update the game. As i told u in the first message its autoupdate to 1.5.3153-802.0 cause when u unistall the game and install it again through origin the game starts up then i see its already updated to 1.5.3153-802.0
you: So i cant update it manually
Prashant: Due to the nature of the issue, I’ll need to forward the matter for further review. One of our Senior Support staff members will review the matter and get back to you, via e-mail, within 24-48 hours. Meanwhile, we thank you for your continued patience.
you: Okay so what should i do with special force when i cant even play it online only SP. and vanilla BF2 works fine online
info: Your chat transcript will be sent to XXXXXXXX at the end of your chat session.
Prashant: I have escalated this issue, please allow us some time.
Prashant: Thank you for contacting EA. Is there anything else I can help you with today?
you: Nope. cya
info: Your chat transcript will be sent to XXXXXXXXX at the end of your chat session.
Prashant: If you need help with anything else, please feel free to contact us anytime!
Prashant: Good Bye and take care. "