Mer trubbel för Jack

10 Chambers
Mer trubbel för Jack

Jag kan fortfarande inte släppa taget om den underliga saga som vi kallar Jack Thompsons äventyr. Den inbitne spelhataren fascinerar mig och jag känner blandade känslor. I intervjuer kan han låta hur vettig som helst för att sedan bli tokig och kasta bibelcitat åt folk. En sådan man är ju löpsedlarnas mästare i min värld, men precis som i alla andra sagor kommer slutet alltid när man trivs som bäst. Domstolarna i Florida rekommenderade tidigare i år en avstängning på tio år för stackars Jack. Nu kan det dock bli ännu värre för den citatvänlige spelsheriffen. Domaren Dava Tunis gick nyligen ut med ett uttalande där hon påstår att tio år är alldeles för lindrigt. Tunis vill att Jack ska bli avstängd för resten av sitt liv:

"judgment must be fair to society, both in terms of protecting the public from unethical conduct and at the same time not denying the public the services of a qualified lawyer as a result of undue harshness in imposing penalty. Second, the judgment must be... sufficient to punish a breach of ethics and at the same time encourage reformation and rehabilitation. Third, the judgment must be severe enough to deter others who might be prone or tempted to become involved in like violations."

Det riktigt spännande följer:

"The Florida Bar has recommended disbarment for a period of ten years. This Court respectfully declines to follow the Bar?s recommendation... This case involves factual findings of cumulative misconduct, a repeated pattern of behavior relentlessly forced upon numerous unconnected individuals, a total lack of remorse or even slight acknowledgement of inappropriate conduct...

Additionally, the Court is taking into consideration a review of the Respondent?s conduct not only as proven by the evidence, but by what this Court has witnessed of the Respondent?s behavior throughout the eighteen months of litigation. The undersigned finds no evidence whatsoever to indicate that the Respondent is amenable to rehabilitation, or even remotely appreciates the basis upon which a need or purpose for such rehabilitation is warranted...
Over a very extended period of time involving a number of totally unrelated cases and individuals, the Respondent has demonstrated a pattern of conduct to strike out harshly, extensively, repeatedly and willfully to simply try to bring as much difficulty, distraction and anguish to those he considers in opposition to his causes. He does not proceed within the guidelines of appropriate professional behavior, but rather uses other means available to intimidate, harass, or bring public disrepute to those whom he perceives oppose him.

Thus, after careful consideration of the underlying facts in the instant cases, together with the Florida Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions, the applicable aggravating and mitigating factors and the precedent case law, this Court makes the following recommendations for John Bruce Thompson:

A. Permanent disbarment, with no leave to reapply for admission.
B. Disciplinary costs currently totaling $43,675.35."

Om domaren får sin vilja igenom blir det slutet för Jack. Eller blir det början på ett nytt kapitel? En uppföljare? Jag ser framför mig en skogstokig Jack med alldeles för mycket fritid. En man med permanent tredagars skäggstubb och en vild blick. Han kommer att bli en martyr. Jag hoppas det i alla fall. Världen blir mindre intressant utan honom.


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