Slå vad. På en vad eller?
Gick in på kongregate igår, och kollade vad amerikanarna på Zero Axis hade för sig. Så här lät det:
imprisoner: lol
herokenny: for money
herokenny: ok..
Wideopen111: okay im back
imprisoner: WB
moppmoppmopp: for money? what?
Wideopen111: imp!!!!!!
imprisoner: yes?
herokenny: if i bet on imp i will get money
moppmoppmopp: imp for money?
imprisoner: only if somebody bets against me
Wideopen111: do u kno me?
imprisoner: ummm
imprisoner: dont think so
moppmoppmopp: bet on what?
URAP: Whos the whore?
Malicart: The whore is back?
moppmoppmopp: ...****
moppmoppmopp: self-cencure!
moppmoppmopp: yay
baumnase: ???
herokenny: oh you can go on who want 2 be a mi
herokenny: 10000000000
imprisoner: lol
moppmoppmopp: 1
moppmoppmopp: 0
baumnase: who do you mean with whore?
moppmoppmopp: BOOM
emo_dude_2010: hey ppl
Wideopen111: im sam jennas sister
URAP: Shut up.
moppmoppmopp: ...
moppmoppmopp: shut down!
Malicart: Cough, Attention Whore, cough
URAP: Your a female who likes polar bears.
herokenny: ? ? ? what
imprisoner: be nice people
herokenny: i am
imprisoner: thats was for URAP and malicart
herokenny: who do not like polar bers
Wideopen111: im not a whore!!!!!
herokenny: i did not say that
Malicart: You were not here Imp
emo_dude_2010: waz up
herokenny: who do not like polar bers
Wideopen111: im not a whore!!!!!
herokenny: i did not say that
Malicart: You were not here Imp
emo_dude_2010: waz up
URAP: Your sis is.
Malicart: We witnessed the attention whoring
imprisoner: doesnt matter
baumnase: hehe wideopen is a funny name
baumnase: hehe wideopen is a funny name
Wideopen111: oh no he didnt!
imprisoner: forgive and forget
herokenny: you know why my nick is kenny
Wideopen111: my sister is not a damn whore!
herokenny: i die a lot
herokenny: get you kill kenny
Malicart: Go away
Fattar fortfarande inte vad dem slog vad om i början.