Favorit i Repris - Favvo Spelrepliker?:)
Hmm, kan inte minnas vilket spel men..
"Sir, we're sorrounded!"
"Excellent, now we can attack in every direction!"
I'm gone! - SC Ghost
Da da, Dattara DA DA! (eller nått) - SC Siege Tank
Miaow - SC Probe
Det finns ju otroligt många bra i SC och WC.
Ajebaje: I vanlig ordning handlar "debatten" mer om att hävda sig själv än att diskutera frågan.
Klockrena repliker alemag:) hahahahaha *knäcker mig*
"SNIFF" - all personer som inte gillar en i morrowind
"GRAAAAAAAB HIIIM" - Dunmer kvinna, morrowind
"Don't mock me woman it really stings" - Armstrong i NOLF 2 efter att han blivit skjuten ett antal ggr
What seems to be the officer problem?
Lirade nyss genom God Hand till ps2, underbart skönt lir, hursomhelst.
Kommer inte ihåg precis hur det är men..
Give up the God Hand!
The only thing I'm giving up is an asswhopping
But, we came here for the hand!
Guess you had to be there..
Life is like a shit-sandwich; the more bread you have the less shit you eat.
Metal Gear
"Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon." - Gray Fox
"Change sides? I dont recall saying I was on yours." - Snake
"Solid Snake: There are no heroes in war. The only heroes I know are either dead or in prison. One or the other.
Meryl Silverburgh: But Snake, you're a hero, aren't you?
Solid Snake: I'm just a man who's good at what he does."
Baldurs Gate 2
"We're all heroes! You, me and Boo, Rejoice!
"Feel the burning stare of my HAMSTER and change your ways!"
"No! Boo is NOT for eating! Boo is mighty and wise and probably quite stringy. Er, and he is my companion!"
"Butt kicking for goodness!"
"Terrible hamster justice will be wreaked upon you!! GO FOR THE EYES, BOO, GO---"
Ajebaje: I vanlig ordning handlar "debatten" mer om att hävda sig själv än att diskutera frågan.
Sam: "Who was that?"
Max: "I don't know, but if it weren't for the sheer carefree innocence of this carnival, I'd be breaking his kneecaps."
Sam: "You're a demonic little imp, Max."
Sam: "I think I've got something in my eye."
Max: "Try digging it out with a fork. That always works for me. "
Max: "Why don't I get an inventory?"
Sam: "Where would you keep it?"
Max: "That's none of your damn business, Sam."
Blood II: The Chosen
*Goood morning. And in chase i don't see you again - Good Afternoon, Good evening and Good Night!*
*Lets boogie, boogy man!*
*Why is there always a thin ledge of a bottom less pit and WHY do i always have to cross it!*
*It's howdie doody time kiddies the bad man is here*
*Sings: If you think i am sexy and you want my body.. Njehehehe*
*When you go to hell tell them i sent you.. You will get a group discount*
*I am kicking my own ass!*
*Shocking! Oh wait.. I made that joke all ready*
*Sings: My mother said it would be days like this.. - I never liked her*
Och säkert en hel del fler
Duke nukem:
your face, your ass whats the difference.
this is gonna be a barrel of laugh.
who want's to glow in the dark.
my gun is bigger than yours.
yipikayay mutha fucker.
i don't have time to play with my self.
och så finns det många fler men jag kan inte alla.
republic commando:
Boss, i think we should blown that thing up! and i'm not saying it becuse i like blowing stuff up.
brothers in arms, earned in blood:
This could be a nice house... If we haden't bombed the holy shit out of it
Warcraft III
"I love the dead... Frequently!" - Necromancer
"I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!! Call me." - Banshee
"Urgh, i think i have someone stuck in my teeth" - Pit Lord
"I think a certain... finesse is called for here..... YAAAAAARGH!!" - Pit Lord
"If i have wings, why am i always walking?" - Dreadlord
Och så klart shaman:
"Raindrops keep falling on my head"
"You ever get hit by lightning where the sun don't shine?"
"Storm, Earth and Fire! Heed my call!"
Finns så oändligt många bra i Warcraft III.
Ingen som har nämnt BG2's Lilarcor? Hans kommentarer fick mig att skratta rätt högt!
"So, are we gonna kill something now?"
"I know! Start swinging! Eventually you'll lop off the head of someone important and then the good fights will REALLY start!"
Neva knock on 'eavens door.
Ring da bell an scurry, ee 'ates dat.
det finns ett riktigt gammalt spel, som är minst lika gammalt som duke nukem, och det är samma gäng som gjort duke nukem. 3D realms
Shadow Warrior
snubben i spelet heter Lo Wang
det är coola repliker som när nån blir slichad med svärd.
*u got split personality*
andra fina är
*sticky bomb like u*
*u are tiny grasshopper*
"Baatlecruiser operational" Battlecruiser's i Starcraft
"That was lefthanded" Commando i C&C
Personligen tycker jag att det finns så många godbitar i SC och SC:Broodwar att jag kommer bli tvungen att uppdatera och spela det när jag kommer hem från jobbet nu för att minnas allt!