Nyhet: God of War III: Ultimate Trilogy Edition

Nyhet: God of War III: Ultimate Trilogy Edition

Nu har Sony officiellt meddelat att GOD Of War 3 även i Europa kommer få en super samlarutgåva till spelet. Det är inte en liten lista på grejer som erbjuds. Läs och njut!

* God of War III
* God of War Collection (gentle reminder, this is God of War and God of War II, remastered in HD, running at 60 fps, with Trophy support, all on one Blu-ray Disc)
* Extra game content downloadable via PlayStation Network:
o God of War Combat Arena containing an exclusive environment and seven challenges to complete
o Dominus character skin
o Apollo character skin
o Phantom of Chaos character skin
o Forgotten Warrior character skin

* Exclusive video content downloadable via PlayStation Network:
o God of War: Unearthing the Legend Franchise Documentary. This is a full-length documentary detailing the history of the God of War franchise. A must have for fans!

* Special audio bonus content:
o God of War Trilogy Soundtrack ? God of War, II, and III scores from the game
o God of War: Blood and Metal EP ? a heavy metal homage featuring original music inspired by God of War

* Additional content:
o Artbook
o Postcards



- I mean gaming journalists look bad just writing about stuff, but when you put them in front of a camera...a whole new dimension of bad is created.

Nyhet: God of War III: Ultimate Trilogy Edition

Mastigt, ska man bara ha en PS3a också.


dom förnedrar hela Gamer-world!!!


finns d nån prisuppgift på denna?


“Blessed be the stonecutters. it took a quarry to bury the dreams.”

Skrivet av Sheikh Plisken:

finns d nån prisuppgift på denna?

inte ännu, men troligtvis 1000 -1200:-


- I mean gaming journalists look bad just writing about stuff, but when you put them in front of a camera...a whole new dimension of bad is created.

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