Stop 3: Los Angeles
Me pretending to be a moviestar
I think I've been to Los Angeles about 10 times and have spend about two weeks per year here the last 5 years. Mostly due to E3 of course and this will be the first time for a long time that I'm not going. E3 is quite different this year as well since they have moved it from being in the main convention centre into a couple of hotels in Santa Monica. It's probably not a bad idea. Still, Leipzig seems like a very good replacement for E3 and is maybe more interesting since it's for most part open for consumers as well. And you don't have to fly for 15 hours to get there, of course.
Jag ska till E3, that shit is just wack!
En del av mässan äger ju rum i utställningsformat precis som tidigare på Barker Hangar. Visserligen nedbantat, men fortfarande montrar och demoställ. Det man på hotellen får är presskonferenser och mindre visningar/intervjuer.
Bah, när man äntligen hade landat ett jobb som kunde ta en till E3 så bantas skiten värren än Oprah. Var iof på Games Convention istället, som var helt ok tills det öppnade för allmänheten och alla tyskar vällde in.