Förra veckans besked om att #Gothic 3 är färdigutvecklat och på väg till tryckeriet gäller inte. Via spelets (i nuläget döda) hemsida meddelas att ett par sent upptäckta problem fått utvecklarna att dra tillbaka guldskivan. Hur detta påverkar releasedatumet (den 13 oktober) är oklart.
On September 12th we have shipped a Goldmaster version of Gothic 3 for replication. However, due to several problems that got known only afterwards no production has taken place, instead we decided to create another, new goldmaster. This new master is currently (Sep 21st) still being worked on! Therefore, no one has had any access to the version that will start selling on October 13th in various European territories. No testing (by external persons) of this version can have been done. All test results that have been published up to now are based on the scrapped goldmaster or in many cases on even older preview versions.