#Dice och #EA har på officiella forumet låtit röja att #Battlefield 3 får sig en uppdatering till Windows-versionen 6 december. Det är inte den storslagna uppdateringen som är att vänta i samband med Back to Karkand-släppet 13 december, men åtminstone kommer du kunna strida i solljus utan risk att bli bländ av wtf-ficklampan. Ja, spana in alla ändringar nedan.

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Bug fixes:

- Fixed a problem where player who joined queuing on End of round got spawn screen stuck on screen, but unable to do anything with it until next round loaded
- Fixed a problem where TV guided missiles could be shot into its own helicopter and destroy it
- Added alternate HUD colors to help those with colorblindness
- Fixed a problem with smoke on land vehicles, Missiles should now miss more often
- Fixed a problem where the user was unable to revive two players that have the bodies one over the other
- Fixed a problem where you could get green flashes on screen

Balance Tweaks:

- Fixed several weapons so they are properly suppressed and hide the player on the mini-map when fired.
- Tweaked Tactical Light so it is not as blinding over longer ranges.
- Tweaked the IRNV scope so it is limited to usage only at close range.
- Reduced the damage done to Armored Vehicles and Infantry from AA guns.
- Increased the damage RPGs and Tank shells do to AA vehicles.
- Slightly Increased the power of Fighter Jet Cannons against all vehicle targets, especially Helicopters.