Servrarna som driver #Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach har varit öppna i ett dryg år nu och TenTonHammer tyckte därför att det var dags för en lägeskontroll med skaparna #Turbine Entertainment. Den fjärde stora uppdateringen till spelet står för dörren och mycket av intervjun rör därför hur nyheterna kommer att påverka spelet.
Darkgolem: So Dragon skin armor is coming with Module 4. What sort of armor types can you make with dragon skins, and what qualities will these armors have that makes them different from regular armor.
James: We are actually pretty excited about the dragonscale armor. It kind of introduces a new mechanic we haven?t used in DDO before, there is more of a collection mechanic involved with getting different pieces in order to get the kind of armor you want. This is definitely geared to be level appropriate with the level cap increase that is coming with module 4, so it is targeted to level 14 characters. It is going to be better than any of the armor found before in the game, but it is also going to have a unique look and appearance. So we wanted to this be not only a good upgrade for the players, especially in the big battle with the Storm Reaver, but also be a status symbol for the players.