Nyligen släpptes det retroflörtande äventyrsliret #Runaway: The Dream of the Turtle och vår recensent var om inte lyrisk så i alla fall en smula exalterad. En uppdatering finns nu tillgänglig, innehållande ändringar som stöd för [[Windows Vista]] och ej närmare preciserade förbättringar.
- Game improvements and corrections.
- Add better graphics card and chipset compatibility (SIS, etc.).
- Add Windows Vista compatibility.
This update is only for the English version with the DVD labelled Runaway 2 The Dream of the Turtle.
The English version labelled Runaway The Dream of the Turtle (without the 2) is already updated to 1.3 version.
If your game DVD is labelled Runaway 2 The Dream of the Turtle, please install the 1.3 patch.
If your game DVD is labelled Runaway The Dream of the Turtle, your game is already updated, please do not install the 1.3 patch.