Svenska #Massive Entertainment har med sina tidigare titlar i #Ground Control-serien försökt utveckla sättet du spelar strategispel på, med mycket fokus på striderna och lite på resurssamlande. #World in Conflict följer samma linje och spinner även vidare på enhetshanteringen, något som 1Up skriver mer om i sina intryck från ett par flerspelarronder.

Once participants (up to 16) have been split in half, everyone chooses specialties. Contrary to our earlier speculations, you won't have four armies on the field -- just the two -- but players can specialize however they choose, be it in infantry, armor, air, or support. The specialization doesn't preclude you from using other unit types, but it makes them damned expensive, so pick something good for your team. We ended up trying everything with little to no success. It takes 20 seconds from the time you order units for reinforcements to be deployed, and for us, just about as long for them to be utterly demolished.