Sedan igår finns det tre paket med låtar var från #Guitar Hero att ladda ner till Xbox 360-versionen av #Guitar Hero II. Paketen kostar 500 Microsoft Points styck och bjuder bland annat på klassiker som Bark at the Moon, Ace of Spades, Killer Queen och Higher Ground.
Guitar Hero - Track Pack 1
Bark at the Moon (as made famous by Ozzy Osbourne)
Hey You (as made famous by The Exies)
Ace of Spades (as made famous by Motorhead)
Guitar Hero - Track Pack 2
Killer Queen (as made famous by Queen)
Take It Off (as made famous by The Donnas)
Frankenstein (as made famous by The Edger Winter Group)
Guitar Hero - Track Pack 3
Higher Ground (as made famous by Red Hot Chili Peppers)
Infected (as made famous by Bad Religion)
Stellar (as made famous by Incubus)