<img align="right" src="http://www.fz.se/bildarkiv/images/UFO__Afterlight/933182_20070115_screen005.thumb.jpg" width="128" height="96" border="1" hspace="5" vspace="5" style="border: 1px solid black;"></img>Idag har den första patchen till #UFO: Afterlight släppts och självklart kan ni dra ner den illa kvickt från FZ:s filarkiv. Patchen kommer i två versioner, en för de som köpt spelet i butik och en annan för de som betalat och laddat ner det online. Gemensamt för de båda är dock att de bland annat gör att spelet fungerar i Windows Vista och att en elak misslucka lappas ihop,
UFO: Afterlight - patch - v1.5
This patch fixes following bugs:
* After long period of playing, mission loading time was increasing; memory manager could cause crash-downs.
* Skybox was seen in other visual modes.
* Destroying the target in an expedition mission didn't result in a win.
* Replacing suit add-on didn't replace its bonus.
* Deleting squads caused missing characters in the Equipment screen.
* Interrupted level-up caused a loss of remaining level-up points.
* Automatic re-equip created missing ammo.
* "Unload all" affected parameters of other equipped weapons.
* "Unload all" didn't refresh list of composed items in the Storage screen.
* Beastmen weren't able to re-equip after they had been mind-controlled and disarmed.
* Signs of some different mines on the globe were the same.
Also this patch improves the game in following matters:
* The game runs under Windows Vista.
* Appropriate handling of OpenAL libraries (sound issues).
* Repeated stun-attack on unconscious unit doesn't add more experience.
* Over-damage doesn't add more experience.
* Info about selected character in the Base screen is displayed.
* Changing a speed of the tactical game is possible with shortcuts; the same ones as in the strategy game.
* Center on vehicles is obtained by clicking to open space in the Globe screen.
* Clicking a portrait of a boss in any Management screen turns off his speech until next visit to the screen.
* Labels of corpses in the tactical game are displayed only after the mouse focusing.