Vi har ännu inte hört något mer om det [n=18761 betatest] som det snackades om för en vecka sedan, men när det väl körs igång lär ingen missa det. Tills vi får provkriga i #Splash Damages actionspel väntar en ny intervju med Paul Wedgewood.
What's the NEXT thing Splash Damage (SD) plans to work on (expansion pack, new game, etc) after ET:QW?
Working closely with id Software, Splash Damage?s primary focus will remain on Enemy Territory. Our first goal will be to release the completed Software Developer?s Kit - the source code, level design tools, artistic media and documentation that will allow the community to create their own modifications and maps for ETQW. We?ll also be monitoring online play closely including persistent achievements and rankings, in case any unexpected bugs or balancing issues pop up that need solving. Beyond this, id Software is creating a plan to ensure there will be great ongoing support for the game, including a specific focus on additional content.